Episode 2 - PT 5: Mask :)

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Greg still wasn't really over everything but he was well enough to walk with them. Tommy and Tubbo, plus Ranboo, stuck to each other like glue, Niki stayed close by as did Ghostbur and Sally, Puffy had an arm draped over Greg's shoulder to comfort him, and Drista hung to the back of the group. Over all the group didn't change much, but Greg did notice something off.

Jack wasn't with them.

He asked about him and they said they tied him to a tree because, in Tommy's words, he was being a bitch. Understandable but still a bit cruel. 

So imagine his surprise when Jack wasn't there.

"T-The hell?" Tommy walked up to the tree where Jack was tied up and picked up the discarded rope. "Where the hell did he fucking go?"

"I don't know..... I-If he broke out he surely would've gone to find us right?" Niki asked.

"He might've gotten lost!" Tubbo exclaimed making everyone slightly scared because even though Jack was a prick sometimes he was still there friend.

"Okay, he's not too dumb so he should know to stay on the path. Let's just follow it and see if we can find him." Drista proclaimed with the others agreeing.

They started to walk down the path, unsure about this whole thing but then something spooked them. Blood. This set off red flags but they pressed on, Tommy keeping Clementine right next to him.

*Rustle* *Rustle*

"Who's there?!" Tubbo shouted as he drew his iron sword. There was silence, but something in Greg's gut was telling him something, or rather someone, was about to show up.....

"Oh Tubbo. I thought we knew each other quite well~"

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