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So basically he got left at the house again and he called me. "Christa they left me here again!"  He whined. "Okay okay here I come." I said before hanging up. When I got there and he was kinda sad.  He found out they went to the carnival with out him and I felt so bad. He looked like he was gonna cry, which made me mad. "It's okay we can find something else to do!" I said trying to cheer him up. Then I thought about it and it was some international buffet 3 hours away from their house. I had on a unicorn onesie cause I literally was laying down when he called. He had on a duck onesie since he was sleep when they left. So I just grabbed his hand and said, "Let's go." He looked excited but then his face changed. "In this?" He asked looking at his pajamas. "Who gon' check us about it?" I asked raising my eyebrow. Then he thought about it and said, "You know what? You're right." And went to put shoes on.

We get in the car and most of the ride there we listened to Halsey because she's his favorite artist. "You play something!" He's said. I got kinda nervous and tried to avoid my playlist. "No no you can keep playing your music! It's fine really!" I said nervously. "But I wanna hear yours." He pouted. I was trying to convince him that my music taste was shit but he wasn't buying it. "Okay." I said finally. But before I could play anything we were at the restaurant already. "WE'RE HERE!" I squealed. He quickly shouted, "OH MY GOD FOOD!" Forgetting about my playlist.

We go in there and they had EVERYTHING. I was gonna tell him go grab plates but he literally ran off before I could say anything. He was just that happy to be there. Then all I heard from across the room was "CHRISTA THEY HAVE PANCAKES AND WAFFLES!!!" And I kid you not I ran over there like I was being chased by the slash slinging slasher. I love the fuck outta pancakes and waffles. So we got some and I saw fries. " There's fries over there!" I shouted. We darted towards them cause they get ate up pretty fast. We piled as many fries on our plates as we could cause there was no telling when we'd be able to get more.

Then He said, "Chrissy! Look they got chicken tenders!" And I never had chicken and waffles let alone chicken and pancakes. So we rushed to get them, then we went to sit down. As we were eating he looked like something had dawned upon him. "What's wrong?" I asked looking at him. "I called you Chrissy earlier.. but you never corrected it." He said. I was confused cause I didn't really mind. I knew it was a nickname, a nice one at that. I patted his head and said, "It's okay! No one else is allowed to call me that though alright?" Then he got excited and said, "REALLY? I feel so special." Then I chuckled and asked "Umm why are you blushing?" He quickly looked back down at his food. Then he looked back up folded his arms. "It's your fault." He pouted. I started to tease him and said, "Awww that's so sweet! No seriously that's so cute." And booped his nose. He put some more chicken in his mouth and said, "I'm not cute!" However it was very hard to take it seriously when he was stuffing his face with pancakes and chicken.

When we finished our food and I said, "I want desert. Let's go find some!" So we got up and saw this huge room of ice cream. I saw cookies and cream and ran for it. He wanted chocolate vanilla swirl. So I came back over to him with my ice cream. "You want some?" I asked. He nodded and he licked some off the top. Then he handed it back but he had got some on my cheek (I think he did it on purpose). "Oh no! I got ice cream on you! Let me get it off." He said licking it off my face.  "Hey! Not here!" I squealed. "What? We didn't have napkins yet." He said laughing at me.

"Let's go home... AFTER I get some fries for my ice cream." I said. He looked at me confused and asked, "How are you gonna eat your ice cream and fries AND drive at the same time?" So I turned around and said, "You're gonna drive. Now get the keys out my back pocket and let's go." He kinda looked at me like I wasn't serious. "what?" I asked as I stood there still waiting. "You had to put them in your BACK pocket?" He asked sounding nervous. I rolled my eyes and said, "Now you've seen me naked and fucked me blindfolded. You can't seriously be scared to reach in my-" Before I could finish he grabbed the keys and walked away from me ever so quickly.

My Reoccurring Dreams Vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now