Chapter 3

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*1 hour earlier*
[Y/n pov]
I was just laying on my bed than at 1:00am Jake texted me asking if he could come over because he's bored, like I stated before I'm scared of saying no to him said I said sure. 10 minutes later he texted me saying he was out front so I went downstairs to let him in and we went back to my room and just chilled there for a bit then at 1:50am Jake said he was hungry so I said we can go downstairs to get a snack so we did that. I just made us some toast so I put it on a plate than as I was putting it on the table Jake yanked my hair turned me around and put his phone in my face and yelled "WHATS THIS" and I saw the photo of me cuddling against Tubbo. I just kept saying sorry and it's nothing but he didn't care and punched me in the nose and I screamed, ran to the sink to clean it because it was bleeding. Right as he was about to punch me again Tommy and Tubbo came running downstairs.

[Tommy pov]
Me and Tubbo run downstairs and she y/n with a bloody nose and Jake about to hit her for what looked like the second time I run up to y/n and yell at him "get the fuck away from my sister" I hug her and she cries into my shoulder then I see Tubbo run up to Jake and punch him right in the face but then Jake slaps Tubbo really hard and leaves a bruise on his cheek but right as Jake was about to hit back our parents come running downstairs, our dad goes up to Jake and yells at him to "get out of our house" then he does because I'm gonna be honest, our dad can be very intimidating. After Jake leaves the house me and Tubbo take y/n back to her room and then we ask what happened. Y/n explained the whole story and told us he has been like that since about 6 months ago not long after they started dating. I kept apologising for putting the photo up and said "it's ok, no need to apologise" and then we left her to get some rest. Me and Tubbo were tired so we went to bed.


[Tubbo pov]
I looked at the clock and saw it was 10:30am and that was a pretty good sleep for me, I looked over and saw Tommy just scrolling on Twitter he saw I was awake and the first thing he asked was "what was that about last night, you punched Jake super hard" and I thought about it and my response was "I honestly don't know, I know I just met y/n but the thought of anyone hurting her sends shivers down my spine" Tommy nodded at me than came up to me and hugged me and me being surprised at the sudden affection, hugged back and he said "thank you for protecting y/n" "anytime" I replied and we went to y/n's room and saw her just sitting on her bed crying. Tommy went up to y/n hugged her than said "don't cry" her response was "after last night he broke up with me and I feel so free and happy and I haven't felt this my in so long" she smiled, pulled away from the hug and saw me standing by the door she saw my face and ran up to me saying "I'm so sorry" repeatedly and I just looked at her and said "it's fine" she hugged me and whispered "thank you" I just smiled, blushed and hugged her back and we stayed like that for a couple of minutes and I saw Tommy take a photo I just rolled my eyes and kept hugging her but then Tommy mentioned the fact that Jake had all your passwords and y/n pulled away from the hug and said she changed them all so now he doesn't have access to any of her accounts.

[Y/n pov]
After I told the boys that I changed my password we went downstairs for breakfast and we all thought we should get McDonalds breakfast so we ordered it online and waited and it came in about 15 minutes. We sat down and the table to eat and just talked for a while. The boys said they were gonna do a laugh you lose stream so I just went to my pc to play some minecraft and have some fun. Then I saw that Dream followed me on twitter, I followed him back then he messaged me immediately.
I really hope you like this book, pls if I need any improvements let me know.

Word count- 799

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