Molly's True Guardian

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(Salvatore Boarding House) Third Persons POV

Elena had just left after talking to Damon, Stefan and Rose. "Where's Molly?" Rose asks the brothers.

"Out exploring the town" Stefan states.

"She was close to Elijah, so we don't want her knowing he's dead" Damon says shrugging.

"They were more then close" Rose tells them. "From what I've heard the originals see Molly as family and her them. In fact Lexi made one of them Molly's legal guardian encase anything happened to her" she tells them.

"No, she told me I was to be her guardian if anything happened" Stefan states.

"Actually I remember that conversation. She said you were to look after Molly until her thousand year old guardian came to collect her" Damon reminds him. "Only vampires I know that old are the originals" he adds.

"Exactly, if Klaus finds out about Molly. He'll take her away from you along with Elena" she tells them. "You shouldn't let her out of your sight" she states.

"I'll go look for her after school" Stefan states. "I'm already late, see you later" he says grabbing his bag. Before leaving to go to school.

Molly's POV

I'm chilling by the fountain feeling guilty for leaving Uncle Eli yesterday and not saying goodbye. I wish there was a way I could contact him. Let him know I'm sorry and miss him. I wonder how Auntie Bex is? What about Uncle Nik?

"Molly" a voice says. I turn to see Bonnie Bennett. "What are you doing here all alone?" she asks me concerned.

"Uncle Stefan told me to spend the day exploring as he and Damon had business to take care off. He said he'd find me after he finished school" I state.

"Well, why don't you join Jeremy and I? We're going to play pool at the grill" she states.

"Sure, sounds like fun" I tell her smiling. I take her hand and she leads me to the grill. We head for the pool table when a teenage by calls her name. I look to see him with a man and frown in confusion. Never seen them before.

"Hey, Luka. How was your first day?" she asks him with a smile. I stay behind her warier of the strangers.

"It was great. I would like to introduce you to my dad" Luka tells her gesturing to the man across from him.

"Hi, I'm Bonnie Bennett" she says.

"Doctor Martin, Jonas Martin. It's nice to meet you Bonnie Bennett. Would you like to join us?" he asks.

"But Jeremy" I remind her.

"Molly's right, we're suppose to meeting a friend. But he's not here yet so...sure" she says.

"But Bonnie" I whine.

"It's ok Molly" she assures me. "Look Stefan is over there with Caroline" she tells me pointing at them.

"They look busy" I state.

"Well you can do whatever you want" she tells me.

"Just stay in our line of sight" she tells me. I nod my head. "Here, why don't you get yourself something" she says handing me some money. I nod my head again and leave them. I find Matt.

"Hey squirt, who's looking after you today?" he asks me.

"No one and everyone" I tell him. "Can I have some chips please?" I ask him.

"Sure, I'll go get them" he says and I hand him the money. He cashes it and gives me the change. Before going to get my chips.

(Time skip)

I'm so bored. I decide to go back to the boarding house when Mr Martin appeared. "Hello Molly, I have someone on the phone who wishes to speak to you" he tells me holding out a phone to me. I eye him warily and take it.

"Molly" a familiar voice says and I go to squeal happily. "Please don't react" Uncle Eli tells me and I settle down. "Dr Martin is a good friend of mine. I want you to go with him and he'll bring you to me" he tells me.

"But what about Uncle Stefan?" I ask him.

"You can't tell anyone" he tells me gently. "Now will you go with Dr Martin?" he asks.

"Yes" I say.

"Good girl" he says. "See you soon" he says before hanging up. I give the phone back to Dr Martin.

"Meet me outside" he tells me quietly before leaving. I go over to Uncle Stefan.

"I'm going home, I'm tired" I tell him.

"Of course Molly, I'm going to go see Elena. Go straight home, don't talk to anyone" he tells me. I nod feeling a little guilty, but hide it. I go outside and follow Dr Martin's scent to a car and get in the front seat. I strap in and he drives to an apartment building. He leads me to an apartment and invites me in.

"No one will be able to find you here" he tells me and I notice the grimoires.

"You're a warlock" I say.

"Yes, as is my son" he tells me. "Elijah should be here within the hour, he is running an errand. I must go do one of my own. Please stay inside and my son should return before I" he explains. "You may help yourself to anything, wifi password is on the fridge" he tells me. Before leaving. I go on Netflix and watch Land Before Time.

(Time Skip)

I wake up to someone entering the apartment. I sit up and squealing. Launching myself at Uncle Eli. "Molly" he says relieved hugging me tight stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, but Uncle Stefan told me too. And he's my guardian" I state pulling away.

"He's not" he tells me and I frown in confusion. "Hear" he says handing me some papers.

"That's mummy's signature" I state.

"It's her will" he tells me. "Read page three" he tells me and I do so. It was about who'd raise me if anything happened to mum. It said Stefan would look after until Uncle Eli or Aunt Bex came to get me. As they are my true legal guardians.

"He lied" I say pouting.

"Don't worry, you don't have to see him anymore if you don't want too" he tells me. "Now I'll be staying here until I deal with Niklaus, then we'll be leaving" he states.

"What's Uncle Nik done?" I ask him curious.

"I'll tell some other time" he assures me. "But right now it's your bed time" he states. He picks me up and takes me to a room. "This is my room, we'll share it. But once we get a proper place you'll have your own room" he tells me. He tucks me in.

"Story Uncle Eli, story?" I ask him hopeful. He smiles and sits beside me. He starts to tell me a story and I soon drift off to sleep.

(Boarding house) Third Persons POV

Stefan arrived home after talking to Elena. He goes to Molly's room to see if she's asleep. But frowns when he finds her not there. He goes to his room and she's not there. He starts to worry. He goes to Damon's room and knocks.

"Hey Stefan, you won't believe what Rose and I just found out about the moonstone" Damon tells him. When he answers the door in just his pants.

"Have you seen Molly?" Stefan asks him.

"Not since this morning, why?" Damon asks him.

"I told her to come home and I can't find her" Stefan tells him.

"I'm sure she's fine, she's a three hundred something year old vampire" Damon reminds him. "Send everyone a message, see if they've seen her. If she's not back by morning, we'll organize a search party" he states. Stefan nods his head reluctantly. Wishing he'd given Molly a phone for emergencies. He'd ask Bonnie to do a locator spell. He tries to call her, but she doesn't answer. He curses and tries Jeremy, same thing. Please be alright Molly he thinks.


Picture above of Bonnie with the Martins.

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