Tea Party

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Molly's POV

It's been a couple days since the she wolf attacked. Rose is dead. Uncle Stefan is out of the tomb, but Katherine is still stuck there. Thanks to Uncle Eli compulsion. Anyway I haven't seen Uncle Stefan since he got out. Uncle Eli thought I deserve a couple of days away. So went to Virginia beach, it was fun.

But now we're back and I'm going with uncle Eli to a tea party. "Why am I going again?" I ask as he puts my jacket on.

"Because I couldn't find you a baby sitter" he states.

"I'm three hundred and thirty three years old, I don't need a baby sitter" I tell him with a pout.

"Well as far as the humans are concerned you're four" he reminds me. "I promise, we won't stay long" he assures me. I nod my head and we left for the Lockwoods. Where we're greeted by Carol.

"You look lovely dear, I didn't know you were Mr Smith's niece" she says with a smile.

"Please call me Elijah" he tells her with a smile.

'Yes, he's my uncle and legal guardian. Uncle Stefan was a friend of my mum's, he was only looking after me until Uncle Eli arrived" I tell her.

"It's one of the reasons I came to Mystic Falls, other then my book" Uncle Eli tells her. Carol prepares them each a cup of tea, and gives me a glass of milk. "Thank you" we say.

"Speaking of your book Elijah" she says as we sip our drinks. "Have you spent much time in Richmond for your book? There's such a wealth of history there" she asks.

"No, I'm focusing mostly on the smaller regions of Virginia. Lots of research. Strictly academic" he tells her. "Besides, I'm sure Molly would enjoy that more then a big city" he adds.

"That's true" I say.

"That's fascinating" Carol says. "Have you traveled much Molly?" she asks me curious.

"My mum took me many places, before she passed away" I tell her. "Uncle Eli promised we'd put her to rest at home" I add. We have found her body, though Uncle Eli won't let me see it.

"Well know you both are always welcome in Mystic Falls" she tells us.

"Thank you" Uncle Eli says as Damon appears.

"Damon" Carol says with a smile.

"Carol" he says in greeting.

"What  surprise" she says and the kiss each others cheeks. "Hi. Elijah, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore. He's Stefan's brother and their family is one of Mystic Falls' founding families" she tells Uncle Eli.

"Such a pleasure to meet you" Damon says holding a hand out to uncle Eli.

"No. Pleasure's mine" Uncle Eli says as they shake hands. "I must thank you and your brother for taking care of my niece in my absences" he states.

"It was our pleasure" Damon says. "Actually there's a few things Stefan forgot to discuss with you about Molly. May we speak in private?" he asks Uncle Eli.

"Of course" Uncle Eli says.

"You both may use my late husband's study, Damon knows where it is" Carol tells them.

"Thank you Carol, please mind Molly" Uncle Eli says.

"Of course" she says with a smile.

"Be good for Carol" Uncle Eli tells me and I nod my head. He leaves wit Damon for the study. I notice Alaric and John watching them. Great, John's back maybe this time he'll succeed in killing Damon.

"Molly, would you like to help me greet guests?" Carol asks me. I nod my head. She leads me to the door and greet people.

(Time skip)

So the tea party wasn't a total bore. We didn't stay long as Uncle Eli promised. We went back to the apartment and watched a movie. Until Uncle Eli got a call, apparently Damon was in danger.

We went to the Salvatore house and Uncle Eli hands me the Moon stone. As we decide to watch and see what Damon has gotten himself into. We found Alaric dead, but he has his ring on. There were five wolves, Damon chained to a chair being tortured.

"You know what the great thing about buckshot is? It scatters through the body. Maximum damage" the she wolf state holding a shot gun. Damon looks at her with feigned intrigue. Jules lifts the shotgun up and points it at him. "Where's the moon stone?" she asks him.

"Get over it, honey. You're never gonna get it" he tells her.

"You looking for this?" I ask as I sit on the railing looking down at them. Twirling the moon stone in my hand. "Think we should give it to them Uncle?" I ask as he walks down the stairs.

"I think they deserve a chance" he states.

"Ok" I say and toss it to him. He catches it and places it on the table. Then backs away from it.

"Go ahead, take it" he tells the wolves. I decide to time him, out of boredom. One of the werewolves uses his wolf speed to rush towards the moonstone, but Elijah, being quicker, plunges his hand into the wolf's chest and rips out his heart. The wolf falls down onto the couch, dead. Two other wolves rush at Elijah and Elijah, without any effort, plunges his arms into their chests and rips out their hearts as well. Jules wolf-speeds out of the house before she is killed. Elijah walks over to Stevie, who crouches down and pulls his jacket over his face in fear. Elijah pulls him up from the ground.

"What about you, sweetheart, hmm? You want to take a shot? Yes? No? Yes? Where's the girl?" Uncle Eli asks.

"I don't know" Damon answers.

"It doesn't really matter" Uncle Eli states. He punches Stevie in the face and Stevie falls to the floor. Elijah then removes the chains strapping Damon down into the chair. "So you realize this is the third time I've saved your life now?" he asks Damon.

"Thirty seconds uncle, would of been quicker had you killed the fourth wolf before asking about the she wolf" I state as I jump down and grab the moon stone. "You also let one get away, sloppy" I say.

"Everyone's a critique" he says. "Lets go Molly" he tells me. We left and returned to the apartment. Where I had a bath and got ready for bed. Uncle Eli told me a story before I fell asleep.


Picture above of Molly's outfit and picture on the external link of the party.

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