The Sacrifice

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Molly's POV

I go to leave, when Uncle Eli picks me up. "Where are you off to?" he asks me.

"I was going to go to the boarding house. So that I could assure Uncle Stefan that I am fine and to get a few of my things" I tell him. As he puts me down.

"Ok, but take this" he says handing me a phone. "Call if you have any problems" he tells me.

"Will do Uncle Eli" I say with a smile. I take the phone and pocket it. "Any rules?" I ask him.

"Be back by sunset, no feeding on people" he tells me. I nod my head in understanding. I give him a hug before leaving and run to the Salvatore house. To find Rose and Elena.

"Where's Uncle Stefan?" I ask them.

"Molly, thank goodness you're ok. Everyone has been so worried about you" Elena tells me.

"Sorry, I was with my real guardian" I state. "Where's Uncle Stefan?" I ask again.

"He and Stefan went out" Rose tells me.

"Ok, I'll wait for them then. Where are you both going?" I ask curious.

"Richmond" Rose answers.

"Stay here" Elena tells me.

"You can't boss me around" I tell her. "But I will stay as I want to see Uncle Stefan" I state. They both left and I lay on the couch. I start to exam my phone, as I've never had one before.

(Time skip)

I hear someone arrive and go to the entry hall to see. Uncle Stefan with Damon, Jeremy and Bonnie. "Uncle Stefan!" I squeal and rush over to him. He catches me as I jump into his arms. "I missed you, I've been waiting" I tell him pouting slightly.

"Molly, where have you been?" he asks me concerned.

"With my legal guardian" I tell him smiling. "He said I good come and assure you all I am fine. While I get my things" I state.

"You're not leaving again" he tells me hugging me tight.

"But I promised I'd be back before sun set" I tell him. "I have a phone now, we can exchange numbers. That way we can stay in contact" I state.

"I don't know Molly, your mother wanted me to look after you" he states.

"Yes, but my legal guardian is here now and he is a thousand years old. I'm perfectly safe" I assure him.

"Stefan I know you've missed Molly and have been worried. But she's here now and we have Katherine to deal with" Damon tells him.

"You're right" Stefan agrees reluctantly. He puts me down. "Stay here and don't leave without saying goodbye or leaving your number" he tells me. I nod my head and he left. He soon returns with the photo of Katherine. "This belonged to Katherine. Found it with her things after I thought she was dead, but it was hers" he says handing it to Bonnie.

Bonnie places the portrait in a ceramic bowl. She dips her fingers in a glass of water and lets the water droplets drip from her fingertips into the bowl. Flames sprout from the bowl and I smile watching the photo burn. About time Stefan destroyed it. Bonnie shuts her eyes and begins to chant a spell in Latin.

"What will this do?" Damon asks Bonnie curious. Bonnie opens her eyes, watching the picture burn with us.

"I can turn the metal into ash. Blow the ashes on her, and it'll incapacitate her for a minute or two. Long enough for you to get the stone and get out" Bonnie explains.

"The Moonstone?" I ask.

"Yes, Molly" Stefan tells me.

"Can I help?" I ask hopeful. Uncle Eli would love it if I got him the Moonstone.

"No" they all say and I pout.

"Stay here and don't go anywhere" Uncle Stefan tells me.

"I can't promise that" I tell him. "Anyway I have to pack some clothes" I state and rush up to my room. I start to pack the essentials as Uncle Eli said he'd get me anything I want.

(Time skip)

"We're leaving now" Stefan tells me.

"Ok, so am I. Here's my number, I promise to visit. As my guardian plans on staying in Mystic Falls for the time being" I tell him.

"Who is this guardian?" he asks me and I get a text. I see it's Uncle Eli.

"Sorry, I have to go" I tell him waving my phone. "Call me tonight if you get the moonstone" I tell him. He nods his head and we hug before I left. I return to the apartment building to see Uncle Eli with Dr Martin. "I'm home" I say and he smiles.

"Please sit Molly" he tells me and I sit on the couch. "So how exactly does this spell work?" he asks Dr Martin.

"Give me your hand" Dr Martin says offering Uncle Eli his hand. He is holding a silver knife in his other hand. Elijah extends his hand out, palm facing up, and Jonas slices it open with the blade.

"Uncle Eli" I say concerned.

"I'm fine Molly" he assures me.

"Place it here" Dr Martin tells him gesturing to a photo of Elena. Elijah places his bloody palm face down on the picture of Elena in her cheer-leading uniform. "Now, take my hand" he says offering his hand to Uncle Eli. Who takes it. "Close your eyes. Relax your mind. And look for he" he instructs. Elijah shuts his eyes. Jonas follows suit and begins chanting a spell in Latin.

"You saw her, didn't you?" Jonas asks when they open their eyes.

"I know exactly where she is" Elijah says with a smile. "Molly, how would you feel about a road trip?" he asks me.

"I'd love one, where are we going uncle?" I ask him curious.

"Richmond" he says and grabs his car keys. We left and he drove us to an apartment building in Richmond. "Stay beside me" he tells me and I nod my head. I hold his hand as we enter the building. We go to an apartment and I see Elena, Damon and Rose surrounded by vampires.

Rose gasps and vamp-speeds out of the apartment. Elijah looks over at Elena and Damon. "I killed you. You were dead" Damon says shocked.

"For centuries now" Uncle Eli tells him.

"He tried to kill you Uncle Eli?" I ask shocked and glare at Damon.

"A story for another time Molly" he tells me. He then looks at the other vampires in the room. "Who are you?" he asks them.

"Who are you?" one of them asks.

"I'm Elijah" he says.

"We were gonna bring her to you. For Klaus. She's the doppelgänger. I don't know how she exists, but she does. Klaus will want to see her and Molly" the man states.

"Does anyone else know that you're here?" Elijah asks him.

"No" the man answers.

"Well, then, you have been incredibly helpful" Elijah tells him. "Molly, close your eyes" he tells me. I do so and cover my ears. I smell vampire blood. I'm then picked up and placed in a seat. I open my eyes to see myself in Uncle Eli's car.

"Those vampire's dead?" I ask him.

"Yes and Elena is now safe" he states.

"You want to use her to lure Uncle Nik to Mystic Falls" I say.

"Yes,then I'll kill him for taking my siblings away" he states. "Now I want you to stay with the Salvatores, watch them and report back to me" he tells me.

"Of course Uncle, they were going after the moonstone today. I'll let you know if they have it" I tell him.

"Good girl" he says with a smile. He drops me off at the Salvatore boarding house. I kissed him on the cheek before he left. I go grab a blood bag and lounge in the parlor. Waiting for the other two to return. But end up falling asleep on the couch instead.

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