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Repetition after repetition and yet the result, or rather the progress, was as good as zero. Except for the new look, nothing had happened with the time reverser. The night had therefore become more than long, causing Hunter and Gill to fall asleep at some point without even realizing it. The sun had long been high in the sky when they both began to blink, yet it was quite gloomy outside. An uncomfortable winter day without snow or cold.

Oversized black cloths floated up to the sky like smoke, through the air as well as city and laid over the houses like tarps. There were dozens, if not hundreds, because the entire area around the boarding house had long since been shrouded in black. Vacant houses were no longer to be seen far and wide.

What this meant, neither Hunter nor Gill could currently say. It could mean many things, but one thing was certain without a doubt, it had a magical meaning.

At the height of the table, a clang was heard at Hunter's footsteps. Abruptly he looked over his shoulder at Gill and she looked up because it just couldn't be. Down on the floor was the time reverser, its glass showing several cracks and a small hole.

Neither needed to exchange a word with each other about what happened next. At the same time, Hunter and Gill crouched down, where he pulled out her time reverser; shook the sand from the second hourglass into his hand, and she searched the books, for a suitable spell to repair.

With all the sand that was in Hunter's hand, it was not possible to fill the glass, which looked fine, but the spell was enough to get a third of it in there. It wasn't much, nevertheless there was a possibility that it might be enough.

They would certainly not be able to repair the glass, so the only thing left for them to do would be to make sure that the inside, the sand, stayed inside. From Impervium facere, Impervius, to Operire and Colloportus and last but not least, Reparo. Whether the last spell had any effect at all, they both doubted very much. However, it had long since ceased to be a matter of what they believed, but simply to do it.

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