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For a good hour now, Gillian had been sitting silently on a bench on the street across from MACUSA, watching people come in and out. When she had entered the building with Hunter, nothing magical had been visible, so they both went back out and waited until a witch or wizard caught their eye to ask him how to get into the right building. It was not possible to ask openly if a person was a wizard but certain allusions were understood only by magically inclined people. Only, unfortunately, with one man it went completely wrong. The allusion to Ministry of Magic and whether Hunter and she were correct because they were visitors from England; still worked but when the man asked about No-Maj's, Gillian looked at the man completely clueless, Gill knew no answer and asked Hunter if he knew what No-Maj's were. Clearly, the wrong answer. Completely wrong. Without a word, the man had moved on. What the hell were no-maj's? Some disease, animal, or food? Snorting, Gillian now rubbed her hands in her lap, let her gaze wander over the crowd, and then closed her eyes. This was the worst day of her life.

At some point, what felt like a hundred years later..... a pretty poor choice of words, just..... Hunter came back with a cup, sat down on the bench next to Gillian and followed her gaze.

"Calmed down again?" asked Hunter curtly without looking Gillian in the face, taking a sip from the mug, "Apparating in would be the easiest thing to do."

"Still leaves the problem with our papers," annoyed and slowly reaching the end, Gill drummed her palms on her thighs until an older man caught her eye and nudged Hunter's elbow in the ribs, "That man there. Late fifties, newspaper under his arm and umbrella. Doesn't he look remotely familiar somehow? Law drafts..... or so."

"I've never been much interested in history any more than I've been interested in magic," but Gillian was already standing up, slamming her hand against Hunter's and pointing forcefully for Hunter to take a closer look at the man, "It's some old guy. I don't know."

"And our ticket," Hunter was corrected by Gill, who walked over to the man and raised a hand apologetically, "Excuse me, could you possibly help me?"

Yes, he would.

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