Is It Over?

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-warning: none graphic nightmare, injury, PTSD-

*Spencer's PROV*
A few days have passed and I am able to go back home. I just need someone to help me change my bandages and grab things as my shoulder is making it harder to move properly. I have been very precautious lately and I do not like it when people touch me anymore, it reminds me of those horrible nights. I wake up screaming with nightmares of Nancy and of Doctor Black killing us. It's all too much to bare.

"We've discharged you Spencer, c'mon let's go." Patrick said as he helped me pack the last of my things.

"Okay." I sighed as I absently scratched at my bandaged torso.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. You'll be staying at my house until we get this sorted out, okay?" Patrick tried to be reassuring.

"Can we just leave? I don't want to be here any longer than I have too." I was being honest, being here sucked.

Patrick pushed my wheelchair to the car. I could walk but apparently it was for protocol. When I got in the car I took one last look at the hospital before falling asleep in my seat. The drive didn't take long because I woke up when I felt the car stopped, I'm still tired as hell. Maybe it's the meds? Who knows. I grabbed my stuff and awkwardly got out the car with Patrick's help as I got very dizzy for a second, definitely the meds.

"You okay?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah, let me just-" I spoke as I was blinking rapidly to get the black spots out of my eyes.

"Okay, I'm fine now." I said when I was able to see again.

"Let me know if this happens again." Patrick's voice was dripping with concern. All I did was give him a reassuring smile.

When we got inside Dan, Ricky, and Justin were finishing setting up a welcome home party, it was small & just us so it was okay. I was just so damn happy that they cared.

"Welcome home Spencer!" They announced.

"Awe thanks." I faked pushing a tear drop from my face.

We talked and ate some food, despite not having much of an appetite, I still tried to eat. Luckily no one mentioned my situation, which was relieving because I wanted to leave it behind. Talking about it won't change anything, at least not right now. It was getting late and I was falling asleep on the couch.

"Hey, let me show you to your room." Patrick tried to get my attention. I just nodded and followed him to the guest room. There were two beds there.

"Ricky will be staying with you." Patrick explained, I was a bit irritated but I understood why this was happening.

"Thanks Patrick." I smiled as I laid on the bed. I instantly knocked out when I was able to get comfortable.

*Ricky's PROV*

I saw Patrick leave with Spencer to the guest room. Dan and Justin will be in the guest room next to us. We all just want to be sure that Spencer will readjust well, I don't think any of us can stand something else from happening. I turned back to the conversation with Dan & Justin, apparently know we're talking about donuts? How did we get from talking about Marvel movies to donuts, I don't know.

"I'm telling you that Voodoo Donuts is better than that one place from Vegas, what is it called... Pink Box! Yeah, that's the name." Dan said.

"You take that back!" Justin playfully yelled.

"There's a reason why they're just local." I mumbled into my coffee.

"I heard that." Justin smirked.

"Seriously this conversation again?" Patrick sighed in defeat.

"STAY AWAY! PLEASE I'VE DONE NOTHING TO YOU!" We heard a cry coming from the hallway. We all ran to see what was the cause of the screaming. Patrick practically ripped the door open, we saw Spencer with a switch blade and hugging his legs in the corner. Tears were spilling from his face and he looked frightened beyond belief.

"I'm sorry Nancy, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry." Spencer repeated as he held his head as if trying to block out the world.

"Spencer, it's Dan, Dan Sugarman. I'm your friend, do you recognize me?" Dan's voice was quiet as if trying to get Spencer to calm down. Spencer just nodded.

"Okay, can you put down the switch blade?" Dan asked. Spencer hesitantly put down the switch blade.

"I'm going to get it to put it away, you are safe." Dan said as he leaned down to get it. It was a rapid reaction, one second Dan had the blade in his hand, the next Spencer punched him in the face to get it back.

"For god's sake Spence." Dan winced as he covered his right eye.

"I'm sorry Dan, I didn't know. I'm sorry." Spencer said when he realized what he had done.

"It's okay." Dan gave him a thumbs up as he painfully held his eye. I grabbed the switch blade from Spencer's hand as he was standing shocked.

"I'll take a look of his eye." Justin said as he lead Dan to the restroom.

"I'm sorry." Spencer apologize again.

"Spencer, where did you get the switch blade?" I asked.

"I always have one in my bag or pocket. I guess it was just an instinct." Spencer responded.

"Do you have another one?" I questioned.

"No. I just. I thought he was here... I saw Nancy in my dream and I was instantly there again. I didn't mean to hurt Dan, you know that I'd never hurt you guys on purpose." Spencer was being honest.

"I know, just try to get some sleep. We'll figure this out in the morning." I said as I sat on my bed. I stayed awake as long as I could to make sure Spencer was okay, I had Patrick & Justin letting me know if Dan was okay. I don't know when I fell asleep, but it must've been late as hell in the night.

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