Funeral Derangements

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-Disclaimer- I am not Jewish, I'm sorry if I write anything that may be inaccurate. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'll be more than happy to correct the mistakes.
-Warning- Death, funeral.
*Patrick's PROV*

It's raining hard outside, although it can't be compared to the storm inside my head. I had to be dragged out of Spencer's room as I fought tooth and nail against the nurses. At last, I'm here again with a book in hand, I was drifting off to sleep until I heard the machines blaring with loud noises and the screens turn red. At some point they sedated me as I kept screaming. All I can hear is the flatline of the heart monitor and see his face. The sedation started taking affect as my vision began to darken around the edges, my voice was raw when I woke up again, I felt like the hospital bed I was laying on was mocking me. In front of me was Joe and his eyes were red from excessively crying, that's when I knew.

"No." I sobbed.

"I'm sorry, they did everything they could." Joe cried. A damn broke from within me and I screamed out in anger and pain. Joe just wrapped his arms around me as we cried together. When I was able to calm down a bit I noticed that we were alone.

"Where are the guys?" I held back a sniffle.

"They're preparing his body. We'll bury him tomorrow morning." Joe's voice wavered.

"This can't be real." I spoke.

I was able to say goodbye to Spencer at the hospital before being forced to leave as visiting hours were over. Dan and Justin stayed with Spencer's body until the funeral occurred. I don't remember the funeral to be honest, I just remembered that everyone arrived fairly quickly. It's bittersweet that everyone already expected this which is the reason we were even able to have the funeral so quickly. The rain fell softly when they lowered Spencer to the ground. Spencer's parents looked like they were trying to remain strong but their eyes betrayed them, it wasn't until they started laying the dirt did Spencer's mom completely break down and her husband followed. I can never forget Spencer's parent as they begged for him to come back.

At the end of the funeral there was thunder and the rain fell harder than I thought was possible. People were leaving but my band mates and I remained, each of us said our goodbyes. When I laid a stone to his grave I felt a cold wind hit me, I turned around and saw Spencer standing next to me with Nadia by his side. He just smiled at me and waved goodbye at me, he and Nadia walked hand in hand as they faded off to the distance.

"Did you see that?" Joe asked.

"Yeah." I couldn't believe my eyes. He's with Nadia, he's at peace.

"Come on we have to go, you'll get sick if we're here any longer." Dan spoke up. We all got into the car, soaked in rainwater but none of us cared too much. The ride was silent, none of us had the energy to spark up a conversation. Everything suddenly felt meaningless. We stayed in my house, we couldn't trust one another to be alone. Hours passed until we were able to talk about Spencer and how much we loved him, how much we'll miss him and his stupid jokes.

A month and two weeks went by until we were invited to a show to pay tribute to Spencer, the venue was packed by people attending and all the bands were talking about how they first met Spencer and the impact he left in their lives. Apparently people were scared that Spencer was gonna be serious but quickly learned he was just a silly guy who loved stupid puns. The videos they played of Spencer never failed to make me cry, I wailed when I heard Spencer singing through the speakers. It cut like a knife when the fans were singing along. People we knew started to hug my band mates and me as we broke down. At the end of the day we were so lucky to be surrounded by love and people even left gifts on the side of the stage. I hope that wherever Spencer is that he knows of how much he is loved, I hope to see him again in the afterlife.

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