Shadow Of A Man

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*Joe's PROV*
We got out of the police station with more questions than answers. Spencer reported what he remembered and the only thing we know is that Dr. Black had a half brother, but he lives too far to have been involved in the kidnapping and murder. When we got home Spencer immediately went to his room, covered himself in a blanket, and practically laid there listening to music. I told the guys what happened and they were annoyed at me for taking him in the first place. Now I see that was the wrong thing to do as I think I broke him a little further.

"Joe, did you at least find out anything or see anything strange?" Ricky asked.

"All we know is that the doctor had a half brother that lives across the country, he has a family and everything. But the police are looking to see if there's evidence to find out who the second man is." I explained.

"Look I'm sorry I took him to the station, I just... I wish I can take it back. I wouldn't have taken him if this was the consequence." I gestured to the Spencer who looks like the broken shell of a man.

"Well you should have at least asked one of us first! Look I know that you did what you thought was right. And it was a bit, but you didn't see the bigger picture!" Patrick cried.

"Let's settle this argument for another day. Right now we have to figure out what to do, how do we back track from this?" Justin spoke up .

"We can just give him time and be supportive. But always be aware that Spencer can do stupid things." Dan pointed at his eye.

"Guys, I think he fell asleep." Ricky said in a low voice as he peaked through his room and quietly closed the door.

"Good, that'll give us an hour or two to plan out our strategy." Patrick was being serious.

"We have to stick together, that man can come back and take Spencer again or take one of us. Spencer said that he was worried for us and that he couldn't live with himself if something happened to one of us. He's still terrified after what happened and he was every right to be." My voice cracked a bit in the end.

"Fuck, I can't imagine what he's going through." Dan ran his hand through his hair.

No less than and hour and a half we saw Spencer get out of his room fully changes and on his way to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I need to talk to someone, I'll call you when I get back." Spencer said in a hurry as he rushed out.

"That's weird." Justin commented.

"Yeah it is." We all agreed

*Spencer's PROV*

I have to talk to them, whenever I get upset or frustrated I go to the cemetery to talk to my family. I know it's useless but it's a coping thing. They were taken from me and I guess it left this hole inside me that I want to desperately fix. It didn't take me long before I reached their graves. Ironically they're buried on a cliff edge, I mean ironically because there's more graves at the bottom as well.

"Hi mom, dad, Sarah. It's been a while, I'm sorry. I almost joined you guys and I don't know what to feel about it. My band mates are all smothering with attention me, but I guess that's good, it means they care. Patrick is the one who's really been focused on taking care of me, which I appreciate but I feel bad. He has a life of his own and I'm just interrupting it. I also punched Dan in the eye by accident, I've been trying to compensate for that, he keeps ignoring that it even happened." I said to them.

"I just, I wish you were here. I really need you right now." I sobbed. As if the timing had to be perfect, I felt someone behind me. I quickly turned around to see a tall man with an IX on his mask, at first I was confused bc that's my band's symbol but I still got scared.

"What do you want?" I asked. The man just moved his head as if studying me, then quickly punched me in the face. I fell from the force and backed up until a headstone was pressed against my back. The man grabbed my shirt and pressed a knife against my neck. We backed up a bit, unfortunately I saw my band mates running towards us. I can't let anything happen to them and I know we are at the edge of the cliff. So I did what was logical at the time, I pushed us backwards. I felt the air rushing past me and the man was off of me. The trees scraped me as I plummeted to the ground. The last thing I saw was Patrick and Justin's terrified faces, then everything went black.

*Patrick's PROV*

Since Spencer left, I had a bad feeling something was going to happen. I mean he just found out that one of his kidnapper is still out there, I don't know why he just left. I paced in the living room and decided to do something about it.

"I don't feel great about this, I think we should follow him." I told the band.

"Well, I have his location on. I did it while he was at the hospital as a precaution." Ricky spoke up as he started looking for it.

"Found it, he's at the cemetery. Why would he... oh." It suddenly clicked why he would go there.

"We have to go." I grabbed my things and the rest of the guys followed me.

"I'll drive." Joe volunteered. Which makes sense because he drives insanely fast.

It took us like 10-15 minutes to get to the cemetery. Which is huge but we kind of guessed where he was based on previous reasons.

We all ran there and I saw a figure of a man with a white mask clutching a knife to Spencer's neck, I also saw that they were dangerously close to the edge of the cliff. Justin and I seemed to activate as we saw Spencer's tired eyes as he pushed himself and the man off the cliff. When I got there I saw Spencer disappear between the trees.

"SPENCER!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Author's Note
Might change the title later, idk. Also I did the chapter while studying for a Math exam.

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