A Rash Decision

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-Warning: Attempted Kidnapping, kidnapped (mentioned), death (mentioned, blood (mentioned), medical equipment (mentioned), PTSD (mentioned)

*Courtney's PROV*

Police sirens flashed before my eyes and a body on the ground, I was sitting in an ambulance as a paramedic checked me over. Someone tried to kidnap me and failed, thank god for all that horror movie knowledge. What was curious was the mask, I've seen INK utilize it, but I highly doubt this was them. Once I was released, I packed my things and I got into my car and drove to the airport. They are gonna hear a earful for sure!

*Justin's PROV*

Spencer has taken up the living room's couch as his bed which makes sense because the rooms are upstairs. We recently went back to the hospital to see I've everything was okay, he just has a mild infection which can be resolved with some medication. His leg however was doing good, they just scheduled another appointment to take out the metal stabilizers. When we got home we just started working on music for the new album while watching movies.

"Guys, what happened to me? I know you said you didn't want to hurt me, but it is. Every time I try to remember, my head hurts. It's like the memory is blocked." Spencer said.

"Okay, I'll tell you." I volunteered.

"You went to the cemetery alone, we had a bad feeling something was going to happen so we tracked you. When we got there, there was a man holding a knife to your neck. When you saw us, you had this look in your eyes, you looked exhausted. You threw yourself and the man off the cliff, we saw you disappear between the trees." I described the scene.

"When I found you, you were choking in your blood so Ricky and I had to tilt you over to help you breathe. Then you just stopped, you died. Luckily Ricky knew what to do. Ricky and Patrick were able to perform CPR until the paramedics arrived. You died again during surgery. You had to have a chest tube and a ventilator to breathe while your lungs healed." Dan took over.

"Oh, I'm sorry you saw that." Spencer looked lost for words.

"I'm not, if we weren't there then you would be dead. And I rather the sleepless nights than not having you here at all. You're our brother and we'll do anything to keep you safe." Ricky spoke up.

"What we don't understand is that the man who tried to kill you, had a mask with our band logo. By the way, he died. But people are going missing. Josh Katz when missing and an eye witness swears that the suspect was wearing the same mask. Awsten Knight and Otto Wood are also missing." Joe clarified.

"I- so we have what, a copycat who took our videos too far? I mean it doesn't make sense unless... what if Dr. Black planned this? Listen, when he took me, he explained that he hated people like me. He thought we exploited our talents and wasted them. Anyways, when he tried to kill me, he was killed before he can actually finish the job. Maybe it's not a coincidence that I was going to be the first victim, also maybe they're mocking us because of that." Spencer explained.

"Maybe, we'll deal with this when you're better. All we can do is try to protect one another in case they decide to do something." Patrick sighed.

"Why did you do that? Why did you chose to risk dying than have us help you?" Joe asked.

"I would rather die than have you guys get hurt... I already couldn't stop her from dying,  but this time I could protect you. I have to protect you." Spencer cried.

"Oh Spencer." Joe said as he went to gently hug Spencer. Suddenly we heard a firm knock on the door. Justin went to see who it was and opened the door.

"You!" Courtney LaPlante accused.

"What?" I asked.

"Someone tried to kidnap me earlier and they fucker was wearing your logo. Now I know it wasn't you, but I'm pissed off." Courtney exclaimed.

"You went from Canada to here just to scream at us?" Ricky tried to reason.

"Well it seemed like a good idea at the time!" Courtney yelled.

"Damn, I heard what happened and there where rumors that what happened to Spencer was a cover up. I see that they were wrong, are you doing better?" Courtney asked.

"Medicated as fuck so maybe." Spencer jokingly smiled as he held his thumb up. I guess Spencer forgot he was shirtless because he tried to cover himself up with a blanket.

"How did that happen?" Courtney questioned, she was took shocked to think of what she was saying.

"Falling off a cliff will do that to you. Believe me, 0 out of ten stars." Spencer deflected.

"Do you have anywhere to stay?" Patrick asked.

"No, I can find a hotel though." Courtney said.

"You should stay here, I think it's safer to be with people who actually know what is going on than not. Plus, Spencer isn't using his room, you can stay with Ricky." Patrick insisted.

"If it's not too much of a bother." Courtney spoke as she looked at Ricky.

"It's not, I'll show you where the room is." Ricky said as he led her to the room.

"I can't wait to get this cast off." Spencer told me.

"I bet." I agreed.

"Do you think she's safer here?" Spencer inquired.

"I hope so. The least we can do is be a safe house and when the time comes, we will look for those missing or avenge them. We won't let those bastards win." I declared.

"Just, don't go anywhere I can't follow okay?" Spencer pleaded.

"As long as you don't either." I responded.

There was an oddly calming silence, the only thing that was heard was Ricky and Courtney talking. I don't know how long Patrick's house would be a safe house for. I feel bad for being here for too long, but Spencer waking up screaming bloody murder at night hasn't been easy for any of us. The fact that we're all scared doesn't help either. I hope to not have to avenge anyone.

Author's Note
So my aunt and uncle just left 🥳
Not doing well mentally right now, but I am working on getting better. She just said a few triggering things. Anyways, sorry if the next chapter gets too dark or something like that.

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