There's More

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-Warning: Death, vomit (mentioned), gasping (mentioned), dissociative amnesia, missing person-

*Patrick's PROV*

It's been a few days since Spencer's been in the hospital, he hasn't woken but that's not necessarily a red flag yet. The doctors are keeping him unconscious until it is time to remove the ventilator from him. Joe and Justin went to the cafeteria to get some food. Ricky's asleep on his chair, and Dan's outside talking on the phone. The TV was on and the news must've appeared at some point, I moved to turn it off but I saw the band Badflower on it. I turned up the volume and apparently Josh Katz has gone missing. He was supposed to be on a run with a friend but never returned. It made me think, is the man who attacked Spencer still alive? Did the man ever get caught or are there others helping him?

"Dan, look." I called, I knew he was close to the door.

"What the hell?" Dan was in disbelief.

"This has to be a coincidence, right?" I tried to convince myself.

"Probably, but we have to be extra cautious if not." Dan said in a serious voice.

"Did the police say that they found the guy?" I asked.

"No, but seeing how Spencer is fairing. The guy is either dead or something." Dan pointed out.

"Who's dead?" Ricky asked as he was waking up.

"Probably the guy who did this to Spencer." Dad answered.

"Hmm, maybe. Has anything happened?" Ricky questioned.

"No, but Josh Katz from Badflower has been reported missing." I told him.

"Fuck, hopefully they find him safely." Ricky spoke and we all just hummed in agreement. There was a quiet knock on the door and a nurse appeared with a doctor behind her.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Shaddix. It seems that Mr. Charnas' oxygen levels have increased since he got here. The lovely nurse and I will be removing the ventilator from Mr. Charnas, we hope that his lungs will be strong enough to allow him to breathe on his own. Now, I will prefer you to wait outside while this is done." Dr. Shaddix basically kicked us out.

We hesitated, but waited outside the door. Joe and Justin came up to us to ask what was wrong and I had to fill them in. Not long after we heard loud gasping and vomiting, I heard the nurse comforting Spencer. Then the door opened and Dr. Shaddix let us in. Spencer was barely awake and was starting to fall asleep again.

"Will he be okay?" Joe asked Dr. Shaddix.

"He's breathing on his own now, and his chest tube was removed too. What is concerning right now is his head injury. Head injuries are often unpredictable and we don't know how he will react once he's responsive." Dr. Shaddix said.

"Okay." I sighed defeated. All I could think of is the scene at the cemetery, it was just too much for me.

We waited for a long time, did the normal rotations we did. It's getting depressing that we had to do this in the first place. I kept waking up in high alert, terrified that Spencer was just going to die. I can't even think about it, I know he'll be fine. He's survived the past attack, he can survive this too.

"Fuck man." I heard a raspy voice say.

"Spencer?" I asked.

"Can you turn off the light or something?" Spencer attempted to cover his eyes.

"Sure, hold up." I said as I looked for the off button. Once I turned off the light, all my band mates came up.

"I'll go get a nurse." Justin said as he went to look for one.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Like I was hit by a truck, and it hurts a little to breathe." Spencer rubbed his eye.

"What do you remember?" Dan asked.

"... I was at the house, and I was heading out. Wait, was I hit by a truck?" Spencer raised his voice in shock.

"No, you didn't get hit by a truck." Patrick reassured.

Dr. Shaddix did some tests to make sure Spencer was okay. The only test he didn't really pass was the memory of the past events. Dr. Shaddix explained that some patients have what is called Dissociative Amnesia, it is when the person went through a traumatic or stressful event that the brain blocks out what happened. Although, Spencer knows what happened the day of the event, he doesn't know what happened once he started heading to the cemetery. When Dr. Shaddix left, we remained unsettled.

"Do I want to know what happened?" Spencer asked.

"I don't know. I don't want to hurt you further than you are now. Maybe we can tell you once you're healed." Patrick responded.

"Is anyone else hurt?" Spencer questioned.

"No." Dan lied.

"Good." Spencer replied as he was involuntarily falling asleep. I guess the drugs started releasing from his IV. When we were sure he fell asleep, we started interrogating Dan.

"I was on the phone with someone I know who works at the police station. They have confirmed the man who attacked Spencer is dead. Don't worry, it is being ruled out as self defense thanks to their injuries and our testimonies, also because of the report Spencer made. Anyways, you know that Josh Katz went missing? Well there was an eye witness. Look." Dan took out his phone and showed us the statement.

Apparently there was someone who had the same mask as the person who assaulted Spencer. At first people started pointing fingers at out band, but I guess our management told the media of Spencer, it says that he is currently still in critical condition. People were still wary, but there was no denying that we could have not done this. Whoever is doing this is hiding behind our image, but why are they attacking band members? Did we miss something in all of this? Who will be next? Is Josh even alive?

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