Finding Him

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-Warning: Death, CPR, punctured lung, chest tube, intubation, blood, ventilator machine, near death-

*Ricky's PROV*
"SPENCER!" We repeatedly screamed hysterically as we tried to look for him.

"Found him!" Dan cried out. I ran to his voice and saw Dan leaning over Spencer's body. Spencer was gasping as his mouth filled with blood. I carefully tilted his body so that he can spit out the blood. Which worked but Spencer fell into unconsciousness.

"What if his back is injured?" I heard Dan sobbing.

"I don't know." I said honestly.

"I just called 911, they should be here soon." Joe spoke as he leaned on Patrick's shoulder, Justin looked like he was gonna pass out at the sight. Spencer's insanely pale, his left arm and back were covered in deep slashes, his neck only had a superficial wound, his left knee looked broken, and the blood in his mouth only made him look dead. I knelt down to check his pulse and breathing, I don't really know how to do this but I was relieved to find a weak pulse.

"Oh my god." Justin whimpered.

"What do we do? Oh god." Joe panicked.

"P-Patrick can you come over here?" I shakily asked. Patrick quickly came to my side.

"I need you to check his pulse, I don't feel him breathing anymore." I lowered my voice. Patrick nodded as I tried to feel for anything, I even put my head on his chest to listen for a heart beat.

"He's not breathing, no pulse." I informed. I quickly pressed Spencer on his back, tilted Spencer's head back, and started chest compressions. I heard the voice on my uncle who's an EMT in my head saying, "Not breathing, no pulse is 30 compressions and 2 rescue breaths."

"I need you to breathe for him twice when I say 30." I told Patrick. Patrick nodded as he positioned himself by Spencer.

"30." I stopped when I saw Patrick doing the rescue breaths. No results. I started again. We kept repeating the process until two EMTs came running with a stretcher and some medical equipment.

"How long have you been doing CPR?" One of the EMT asked.

"2-3 minutes." Justin said. The other EMT put a heart monitor on Spencer and thankfully there was a pulse, but he was still not breathing properly. The paramedics placed Spencer on the stretcher as one of them started to intubate him. They quickly lifted the stretcher and hurried to the ambulance.

"Tension pneumothorax, administer a tube thoracostomy." I heard them say as the EMT inserted tube in Spencer's side of his chest. They quickly told us to go to Salem Hospital as they shut the doors. Not allowing anyone to go with them.

I stayed shocked where I stood until Patrick started crying hysterically. Dan hugged Patrick and Joe grabbed my hand as we headed to the car. Justin drove, there was silence in the car and the the occasional sniffing. When we got there the same lady was at the reception, she just told us to go to the waiting room. Patrick and I were getting a lot of weird looks from strangers, Patrick's mouth and my hands had Spencer's blood. There was a mother who clung to her kid when they saw us.

Joe fell asleep as he leaned on Justin who was also sleeping, Dan was falling asleep while on his phone. Patrick was knocked out on my shoulder, and I am looking through social media to find a distraction. Patrick got the blood off his face but his shirt is still stained, I can't say that I'm doing any better. No one dared to go home to get clothes though, none of us had the capacity to drive yet. For what felt like eternity, a nurse called for anyone who was here for Spencer.

"Mr. Charnas is out of surgery, we were able to stabilize his collapsed lung and stopping his internal bleeding. He has a major concussion, it is too early to tell exactly at what level it is in. His left knee is broken and will need another surgery to fix it. He has a black eye, various bruises along with slashes on his arms, legs, and back. His previous injury was slightly reopened. Unfortunately he flatlined on the table, but we were able to resuscitate him." The nurse explained in a sympathetic tone.

"Can we see him?" I asked.

"I will check with the doctor, I will be back as soon as I can." The nurse responded as she turned to walk away.

I turned to lightly shake Patrick awake, he just bolted awake.

"What? What happened?" Patrick question as he was starting to recollect the previous events. I woke up the others too and explained what the nurse told me. They all tensed up when I told them he flatlined. It just hurt knowing that he basically died twice and none of us could've done anything to save him.

"I'm back, Mr. Charnas is in room 914. I'll lead you there." The nurse spoke as we all stood up to follow her.

"I am going to warn you, that the sight may shock you." She informed. As if we weren't the ones to find him.

When she opened the door, we saw Spencer is much worse state that the first time we came. I hesitated when I sat next to him, he just looked so fragile. Justin, Patrick, Dan and Joe all sat on the uncomfortable plastic chairs. The nurse must've gotten them earlier because there was enough for everyone. The sound of the heart monitor was somewhat comforting, as long as it kept beating, we knew Spencer is still with us. The noise on the ventilator machine was very unsettling but it was keeping Spencer alive. We just prayed to whoever is looking down on us for Spencer to survive. Please let him survive this.

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