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*Warning: hallucinations, death (mentioned), seizures, and potential death in the end.

*Spencer's PROV*

I can't feel anything, all the meds are making me numb physically and emotionally. I try to crack jokes and laugh along with everyone else. It's annoying to have everyone worry every time I get lost in my thoughts or daydream, but considering what happened recently, I don't blame them. Courtney hesitantly went back to her house, she gave me a giant hug that honestly startled me a bit but I knew that she would never hurt me intentionally so I didn't do anything. I am currently writing lyrics as we have been behind on our work lately.

Joe has been going to Patrick's house whenever he could, Patrick's been working at the bar more lately. Justin is going to work until late hours at night, therefore he doesn't come as often. Dan was always at work lately. Ricky is also going back to work, and so am I. I'm not completely cleared to go back, but I have too; luckily my job is online and I don't have to drive anywhere.

"I'm home." Patrick announced as he immediately went to shower because as much as it sucks, COVID still exists. Didn't take much time for him to come back and sat down on the couch.

"How was your day?" I asked as I looked away from my cooking.

"There was a crazy bar fight, everyone's okay though. Just someone spilled some alcohol by accident." Patrick replied.

"At least everyone's okay." I smiled as I finished putting the ingredients in the pots.

"Are you sure you should be using a knife?" Patrick questioned.

"Yeah." I didn't provide more details.

"I'm making queso fresco enchiladas con arroz. I put some onion in the cheese though." I told him. (Translation fresh cheese enchiladas with rice)

"Smells good." Patrick smirked.

I was making tortillas doradas con aceite (golden tortillas with oil) before putting them in the sauce and was just busy overall trying to hurry up. Once I put the cabbage on the enchiladas with crema fresca (fresh cream) and rice on the side, I went to get the sauce I made.

"Damn Spence, when did you do all this." Patrick asked.

"Well today wasn't that busy so we ended work early so I just started cooking. Had nothing better to do anyways." I responded as I went to grab my own food.

"Well it's really good." Patrick commented.

We put on the TV as we ate our food, not long after Ricky arrived looking tired as hell. We didn't comment on it until he came back to get some food.

"Fuck, it was a long ass day." Ricky muttered as he sat down.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just people being assholes at work." Ricky answered.

I don't know how much time passed by but it was suddenly dark outside. I was the only one left in the living room as everyone went to sleep, then I heard it. A voice so familiar calling my name from outside, I couldn't help myself but follow the voice.

"Spencer, don't be scared. Come on honey." The voice said from the darkness. I know I should have turned back but there was something about it that was hypnotizing. I walked barefoot in the cold not caring at all, I had to follow the voice. I went arrived at the hospital and was taking the elevator.

"You're almost there." The voice said sweetly. When we got there, no one even looked at me. I felt myself snap out of it a bit.

"Don't get distracted honey, we don't want that." The voice softly warned. When I got to the room, I saw myself laying motionless in the hospital bed.

"What the fuck?" I asked as I turned around and saw her, Nadia.

"Nadia? Nadia how?" I was at a loss for words.

"Spencer, honey, we don't have much time. You're in a coma and you're dying. You have to wake up. Please, it's not your time yet. None of this is real." Nadia cried.

"Why not? I can spend forever with you. Please don't make me lose you again." I sobbed.

"Spence, it doesn't work like that. Souls that die before there time don't go where I am... they stay here until their purpose is finished, but the problem is that they rarely ever complete them... they stay here and become resentful and evil. I don't want that for you." Nadia explained.

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked.

"Yes, just not anytime soon." Nadia smiled through her tears.

"I love you." I broke down.

"I love you too. I'm always looking after you." She said as she hugged me.

"Only you know how to wake up, please do it soon." Nadia told me as everything went black.

I woke up on the couch, Patrick and Ricky looked terrified. I had to blink a couple of times before everything came to focus. My mouth and eyes felt dry as hell and I felt tired.

"Spencer, are you with us?" Ricky asked.

"Y-yeah. What happened?" I asked.

"You seized again, this time it was a lot longer than the last one." Patrick claimed.

I'm the one keeping me asleep, you have to let go, wake up, I thought.

"I love you guys so much, you know that right?" I asked.

"Of course we do, Spencer what's going on?" Ricky sounded terrified.

"I'm letting go." I said as my eyes rolled back and my body went limp, all I see is darkness.

"CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW, SPENCER!" I heard Ricky screaming at the top of his lungs.

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