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-Warning: Missing person (mentioned), death (mentioned)

*Spencer's PROV*

Today I was discharged, I think the most annoying thing right now is the big ass cast on my leg. Dan sarcastically suggested I wear a skirt or dress and at this point I'm considering it. I mean I would look amazing, but that's a thought for drunk me to deal with later. Dan is helping me pack my things while I'm signing my discharge paperwork. Patrick his helping me sign them as I'm still under the influence of my pain meds, let's just say I'm grateful he's here.

"I'll go give it to a nurse so we can leave now." Patrick said as he took the clipboard.

"Thanks." I offered a small smile.

When we got to the car, we put everything in the trunk. I sat in the passenger seat, their excuse was that they wanted to monitor me in case we had to go back. We picked up my meds at the pharmacy through the drive through (which is a lifesaver). The way home was fairly short, I don't remember the drive being like this. Maybe the meds are messing with me.

"Home sweat home." Patrick sighed as he parked in his driveway. I got out of the car with a few of my things and went inside. I instantly went to the couch and put my crutches on the side, my leg just felt like it was going to explode.

"Hey Spencer." Justin greeted as he was putting something away.

"Hey." I replied as I put my head on a pillow. I put on the TV and proceeded to fall asleep.

*Ricky's PROV*

I was finishing cleaning the room when I heard the door open and voices. When I went to the living room, I saw Spencer asleep on the couch with the TV on. I grabbed a blanket and covered him in it. He's been sleeping more lately, but I blame his pain meds and that his body is still recovering.

Today is the first really cold day here which is concerning since it's November. Joe and I were just talking about it, anyways, Potato (idk the name of his dog) came into the room energetic as hell. Potato had his leash and was dragging it around, I mean I cannot deny him anything. I grabbed my jacket and told Justin I was going to the park for a bit.

The park was like 3 minutes away from the house and Potato kept trying to cuddle with every stranger we passed by. When we got there Potato was dining around everywhere, trying to sniff out everything. He's remarkably fast for his short legs. After a while I heard Potato growling and barking at someone, I instantly checked what it was and the person seemed alarmed at my dog's sudden behavior.

"Sorry." I said as I picked up Potato and started heading home. I know for sure Potato isn't like this so I started to absorb my surroundings, dogs usually have a good sense on who's a bad person. Potato was acting frantic so I hurried home and locked the door.

"What's wrong?" Joe asked.

"I don't know, Potato was acting strange towards someone and was scared on the way home." I explained.

"That's weird." Justin commented from the kitchen.

"It was." I agreed as I brushed Potato's fur.

"Is he still asleep?" I questioned.

"Yeah, woke him up earlier to check if he's okay." Justin said. The doctors told us to do that for the first few days he's at home.

"That's good, at least now he's actually sleeping. The bags under his eyes were getting really dark." I commented. Potato quietly walked towards Spencer's sleeping form and cuddled against him.

"Yeah, it'll be annoying as fuck to deal with the cast though." Joe sighed.

"Has there been anymore disappearances?" I asked.

"Yeah, Awsten Knight and Otto wood. They were supposed to be at a concert but never showed up." Patrick answered.

"Did they have any witnesses? Like did they see if it was the same resemblance as the person that took Josh?" I questioned.

"I don't know, they haven't published much. Right now everyone who was in the Don't Hate Me music video is under surveillance. The studios and the cops think there's a pattern going on." Patrick explained.

"Fuck, this is going too far. Why would anyone want to do this?" I am so frustrated.

Potato wagged his tail excitedly as he saw another dog on the TV and started barking. This however woke up Spencer, he instantly started scratching his ears as he played around with her for a bit.

"Hey there." Spencer said as he spoiled him.

"How are you feeling?" Joe asked Spencer.

"Fine, did I miss something?" Spencer asked back.

"No, I think it's time for your meds, I'll make you something to eat too so you can take them." Patrick said as he went to get them.

"Thanks Pat." Spencer called as Patrick left.

"Fuck." Spencer hissed as he tried to sit up.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked.

"Nothing, the cuts on my back just sting sometimes." Spencer complained.

"Do you need anything?" I asked.

"No, you guys have been doing more than enough. I'll be fine, thanks." Spencer said.

"Okay tell me if you need anything." I offered.

Later on in the day I was talking my band mates if we should just tell Spencer everything of what happened the day of the incident. It's hard enough to talk about, but we don't know how he'll take it. Specially now that people are going missing, Spencer tends to try to shut down when things get too hard as a way to avoid dragging others with him. I mean we haven't gone to our own houses in a while because we don't know how to deal with this either, and I can't risk losing a friend. We already lost Nadia nearly two years ago and it nearly killed Spencer, he didn't talk, eat, or even functioned as a human being. I don't want to become a zombie like that, and I hope I not to experience that either.

Author's Note
Hey, so my relatives are still here visiting, I'm barely able to do anything. Sorry if the chapter is blocky, I really did try to write as constantly as possible.

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