It Was So Real

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*Multiple point of view separated by —-, visual hallucination, dissociative seizure (not a medical professional so I can be wrong)

*Patrick's PROV*

I shot up from my bed hyperventilating, my hands are shaking uncontrolled and tears are streaming down my face. I put my hand over my mouth to keep from making any noise. When I was able to calm down a bit, I saw that it was 02:15. I quietly got up to get a glass of water from downstairs. I was immediately greeted by soft snores.

"Fucking come at me bitch." Spencer mumbled in his sleep.

"No." I softly responded and laughed silently to myself. I went to get a water from the fridge, I silently walked to the couch next to the one Spencer is sleeping on and shortly after I fell asleep listening to him.

*Ricky's PROV*

I was heading downstairs when I saw Patrick and Spencer's sleeping forms on the couches. Patrick looked like he might've cried or something during the night. God, I can't imagine how everything has affected him. He's the youngest out of all of us and yet he's stuck in this situation with us. It's just not fair.

"Fuck." Spencer groaned as he stretched out his arm.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just slept on it." Spencer responded.

"Rick, is there any news on yet?" Spencer asked.

"No, there isn't." I haven't seen anything.

"I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling. Hopefully I'm wrong." Spencer commented.

"What, like it's going to happen or it already did?" I questioned.

"Like it is going to happen." Spencer replied.

"Hopefully it's nothing." I'm getting worried, as if on cue, Potato came running at me with so much energy.

"I'm gonna go walk Potato on the yard, do you want to come?" I asked. I turned to see Spencer had a blank look and eyes glazed over.

"Spence?" I questioned.

*Spencer's PROV*
I felt my whole world close in all of the sudden. I felt someone grab my hand and I looked to see that it was Patrick with tear stained eyes and desperation. He was pleading for something but I couldn't hear anything. His hold in my hand was starting to hurt and then nothing, he was dragged back by someone that I didn't recognize, I was able to still see him screaming. Then nothing.

*Patrick's PROV*

"Pat, help me lay him down." Ricky snapped me out of my panic. I couldn't stop staring at Spencer's motionless form. We both carefully took Spencer off the couch and laid him down on the floor.

"I'll put his head on my lap, can you move the table? Just in case." Ricky asked and I quickly got up to move the coffee table. We stayed on the ground for about two minutes, we got more worried when we saw Spencer crying as he came too.

"Spencer?" I asked, it took Spencer some time to figure out where he was. As soon as he saw me he immediately hugged me as tight as he could, he cried on my shoulder.

"What? Hey, it's okay." I tried to comfort Spencer, Ricky gave me a questioning look.

"It was so real." Spencer sobbed.

"Whatever you saw, wasn't real. I think you just had a seizure." I pulled Spencer off me and gently removed his hair from his eyes.

"It was so real." Spencer repeated as of trying to make sense of what happened.

"What did you see?" Ricky asked.

"I saw Patrick but I can't remember much else. All I know is that you were crying." Spencer said as he tried to wipe the tears from his face.

Then I heard Justin, Dan, Joe and Courtney come down the stairs. Each of them seemed to be concerned with the scene. I mean the table was crookedly placed and Spencer was on the ground crying.

"What happened?" Justin asked.

"Spencer may have had a seizure, I'm going to drive him to the hospital. Patrick do you mind coming?" Ricky spoke as he helped Spencer to stand up. I obviously agreed to go.

"Okay, we'll meet you up there." Justin seemed a bit less panicked than the others, seems fair as he is always in control of himself. I grabbed my wallet, I turned to see Spencer and Patrick following closely behind. Patrick was behind Spencer as if worried he was going to fall.

When we got there, Spencer did all the tests that the doctor deemed necessary. The doctor said something about patients who go through traumatic experiences can get dissociative seizures, the doctor explained that might have happened to Spencer. He asked Spencer a few questions about how he felt and Spencer told him everything that he remembered which wasn't much. The doctor discharged him later on in the day and gave him some medication. We were given his phone number in case Spencer seized again.

On the way back, Spencer fell asleep on Patrick's shoulder. Spencer was set in having Patrick with him the entire time, I don't know why. Joe was in the passenger seat, I asked him to go with me because I was not in the right state of mind and I don't think anyone was.

"He'll be okay, he has to be." Joe said as we reached Patrick's house.

"I know, I just wish I could help more." I sighed.

"You saved his life, don't forget that." Patrick spoke up from the back seat.

"You did too." I smiled sadly at Patrick.

When we got inside, we agreed to watch movies downstairs. Spencer was wide awake from his nap in the car and was fairly talkative, considering what happened. He even got Courtney to laugh at his stupid jokes. We all fell asleep in the living room as no one wanted to leave, I guess we were all trying to make the best out of a crappy situation.

Sorry for the late ass update. I got a new phone and it was so hard to log back into Wattpad for some reason. I'm dealing with a lot recently. I will try to update as much as I can, please be patient. Sorry again for the wait.

And as a friendly reminder, I am not a doctor nor studying to be one. All the things that I put can be wrong, don't take any of this seriously.

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