The Plot Sickens

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*Joe's PROV*
Today I'm going to see the guys, I feel guilty that I can't be there for them as much as I want too. The day I got the call that Spencer was found, my boiler exploded, water soaked the entire carpeted area and some of my things got destroyed. I cursed at my luck that day. Once I got to Patrick's house, I hesitated to knock on the door. It's 7am I wonder if they're awake, they usually are.

"Hey Joe." Dan greeted as he opened the door, I was shocked by his eye.

"What happened to your eye?" I asked.

"Spencer had some sort of panic attack, I don't know. Anyways, this was the result." Dan shrugged.

"Damn, we'll see if it gets better." I responded as I walked into the house.

"Yeah, Patrick's in the kitchen making breakfast. I think that the rest of the guys are asleep." Dan informed me.

"Do you think we'll be able to play shows soon?" I asked.

"Honestly, I don't think so. Spencer's been waking up screaming, crying, and freaking out whenever someone touch him. It's just not the time... that woman that was with him, he saw her die." Dan explained in a solemn tone.

"Right, and taking him to a psychologist is a huge no. What are we going to do?" I questioned.

"Hope for the best, that's all we can do." Dan said.

"Hey Joe." Patrick waved as he was flipping a pancake.

"Hey." I smiled.

"They will be ready soon." Patrick gestured to the pancake. Ricky, and Justin came out to the living room and we began to talk. There was a movie on the TV that no one was really watching, we just don't like the complete silence. We all jumped when he heard a loud "Oh Shit!" followed by a thud.

Patrick and I ran to the room to see Spencer holding his bleeding hand and cursing at the closet.

"What happened?" Patrick asked.

"I was going to get some clothes and I guess something unbalanced another and that happened." Spencer hissed as he pointed at a ice skating shoe.

"Fuck, sorry Spence. I should've been more careful with that." Patrick apologized.

"It's okay. Just need to get this cleaned." Spencer winced as he looked at his hand and started to look dazed.

"Spencer?" I tried to get his attention.

"There was a second. He didn't act alone." Spencer said to no one.

"What?" I asked as Patrick went to get bandages and disinfectants.

"He said that I should have a noticed a man following me, every time I saw the doctor, someone else was there too... I have to go." Spencer tried to leave but I held his arm in place.

"Just wait until Patrick comes back and fix you up. You can't risk an infection right now. Plus, I'll drive you to the police station so you can report this." I responded. Spencer is still in recovery from his previous injuries and we were told by a very scared Patrick, that we have too look for signs of infection. It's unlikely to happen, but it's still possible.

"You're right." Spencer sat on a bed and just put his good arm against the wall.

"What if he hurts you guys?" Spencer asked.

"He won't. We have too much horror movie knowledge for that to happen." I joked. Spencer laughed lightly as he played pushed me.

"I'm serious, I won't live with myself if one of you were to get hurt because of me." Spencer truly was scared.

"We'll be more careful, be more paranoid of people if we have too. We'll always be with at least one other person. Plus we all have tasers, remember when we got them because of the "Every Trick In The Book" tour?" I faked to shiver at the memory.

"You don't have to remind me... that sure as hell was an interesting experience." Spencer faked disgust.

"Okay, I think I got everything." Patrick was looking at the items as he walked through the door.

"Yay." Spencer sarcastically cheered.

"Doesn't look like it'll need stitches." Spencer informed.

"No, it doesn't. Remember when you got stitches for trying to take off the Freddy Krueger glove?" Patrick smirked.

"Yeah, it's hard to forget since the whole arena heard me scream 'Fuck' because I didn't mute my mic." Spencer laughed as Patrick started cleaning is hand.

"This is gonna hurt." Patrick warned as he started apply the disinfectant. Spencer just gripped the mattress as he tried not to cry out.

"Done, I'll just wrap it." Patrick told a tearful Spencer.

"Okay." Spencer said as he was getting over the pain of it. Patrick wrapped his hand quickly but carefully.

"Thanks." Spencer breathed.

"No problem." Patrick spoke as he started gathering is things.

"The guys are going to start wondering where we are." I casually said.

When Patrick wrapped up Spencer's hand, I told the guys that I needed Spencer to help me out with something. That was hard because someone else insisted they help instead, but Spencer seemed like he didn't want them to know that we were going to the police station. After a while they gave in and I grabbed my keys to leave.

The car ride was a bit longer than I thought, and I couldn't help but notice how pale Spencer was getting.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to take you back to Patrick's house?" I asked.

"I... what if the other person is a cop?" Spencer fidgeted with his water bottle.

"I honestly don't know. What I do know is that they need to be aware that there is another person who acted with your kidnapper and that you are still at risk." I explained slowly so I don't scare him into doing something stupid.

"Will you stay with me? I don't want to be alone in there. It sounds childish, I know. But I'm terrified right now." Spencer admitted.

"Of course, whatever you need." I responded as I parked in front of the police station. Little did we know that the plot was sickening.

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