chapter 5

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Joon-ho does not waste any time and starts to deepen the kiss, and takes the opportunity to even slip in his tongue. My fingers reach for his hair, and I tangle them inside slightly pulling at his hair, this causes him to pull my waist closer. At the moment, he was saying all the right things that I needed to hear to feel better about what's going on in my life. I couldn't help my emotions, but I know this may complicate our friendship. Joon-ho kisses began to travel down my neck and a moan accidentally escaped my lip. I could feel the heat of his breath on my neck, causing more chills down my spine. I could tell that it was going to lead to something more if this kept going, but a voice in the back of mine was telling me to stop. Finally, I pull away and we are both out of breath. My skin is hot and my cheeks are flushed. I went to say something, but a yawn escaped out instead.

"Stay here with me please?" he whispers. Moving a stray piece of hair and tucks it behind my ear.

"Okay," I say tiredly. All the events of the day had caught up to me and my mind was putting up a fight as sleep tried to pull me under.

We make our way to his room and I stumble a few times. When I see the bed I immediately kick off my shoes and crawl in. I feel the bed dip down beside and all I can feel his warm body heat radiating from him. I struggle to keep my eyes open and I curl into a fetal position to keep myself warm.

"Here." He mumbles and lays a thick blanket on my shivering body. He also places a fluffy pillow under my head.

"See.. this.... is why.....I love you." I mumbled, snuggling into myself with the large blanket. I looked up at him, my blinks were becoming so slowed.

"Because I gave you a blanket?" He smiled.
"No, because you're always taking care of me ... and you're so warm." My voice is slow and I barely understand what I'm saying. I move closer towards him to get warmer.

"Just get some rest, Bambi." He chuckles.

"Okay... Goodni..." I trailed off, my eyes drooping shut. I felt his body move closer to mine and snake an arm around me. He pressed his lips against my forehead and I finally fell asleep.


When I woke up the next day I was confused. Surprisingly, I didn't hear the sound of the busy streets outside. Usually, the sounds of people and car horns filled my room like an alarm clock. Even my bed feels different than usual, it was shockingly comfortable. I closed my eyes to get more sleep until I heard soft breaths under me. My eyes shot open and I slowly looked up to see Joon-ho in a deep slumber. We were in a sweetheart cradle position with an arm draped over my waist.

My eyes widened, so last night wasn't some crazy dream. Everything seemed like a blur, I could only remember faint details of what happened. I realized that Joon-ho wasn't wearing a shirt and I silently prayed as I slowly lifted the blanket and sighed in relief when I saw that I was still wearing clothes. Oh, thank god! This means we didn't have sex. I mean I remember we kissed, but everything after was a bit hazy.

I needed to get up, I looked up and his full lips were parted, light snoring sounds from between them. I don't know what got into me. I moved my arm to stroke his hair and I started to take in his beautiful features. I used my fingers to very lightly trace the contours of his face. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I watched him silently and I felt myself wanting to kiss him. Joon-ho had always been handsome, I hadn't just realized that recently, I've known that for a long time.

It took a moment, but I snapped out of my trance. "What am I doing?" I say to myself. I realized what I was doing was weird and kinda creepy. I pulled my hand back to my side and stare at the ceiling with wonder. I don't know what to do about us, and going back to the games. If I want to ever see Joon-ho again, I'm going to have to find a way to get back in. However, lying to him will only push him away. Maybe that's what I need to do, so I can finally get rid of Beom Seok, even though we fought last night, if I tell him what I'm doing, he will only interfere and get himself hurt. I rather have him pissed off at me than hurt. Ugh, I seriously don't know what to do, but I do know that lying here in this bed isn't of any help to me. I need to go see Sang-hoon. This is the longest I've been from him and I miss him so much. That little boy is truly the light of my life. I need to get up and see him before I do anything today. l lift Joon-ho's arm from around my waist and lift myself from on top of him, I gently lay his arm across his chest. He groans in his slumber and stirs, I freeze in place hoping he falls back asleep. I was not ready for any conversation about what happened last night. Thankfully he doesn't wake, I quickly grab my things and rush out quietly.

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