chapter 12

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It's been hard. Ever since the end of the games it seems like I don't recognize the world as I once did. I've become more cold and cautious with everything I do. I mean you never know anyone true self, no matter how long you've known them.

Even though it's been a year, I still miss Joon-ho everyday. So does Hae-ri, our beautiful daughter. Even though she doesn't know him. She does so many things that remind me of him. She definitely has his spirit alive with her joyous and optimistic energy, the same type of energy he had all the way up until his final days. She also a spitting image of him as well. The resemblance is almost scary. She spends most days with Ms.Kim or daycare. I still work as a maid at a hotel, but its at one of the nicer hotels in Korea.

Currently, I am in a guest's room, counting down the minutes before I can leave to see my family. Ms. Kim, Hae-ri, Sang-hoon, and Cheol. As promised to Sae-byeok, We said we would look after each other's families if anything happens to either of us. Initially, he had a difficult time adapting, because he was living in a foster home with children who were mean to him. However, now he's around people who truly care about him. Just as I love his sister, I love him as if he were my own blood. I couldn't be happier that Sang-hoon has finally found the best friend he's always wanted in him.

The sound of my phone chimed in my apron as I placed the freshly cleaned blankets on the bed. When I pulled it out, I saw that I had a video message from Ms. Kim. Hae-ri was shown saying "Mama" while her mouth was smeared with ssal-mium. As I watched, my heart began to melt. My eyes were fixed on the replaying video as I sat down at the foot of the bed. Joon-ho is all I see whenever I look at my daughter. Everything she does reminds me of him.

"I miss you so much, Joon-ho." My voice cracked as a few tears rolled off of my cheeks. However, the sentimental moment was ruin, when the guests stubble back in the room, they were drunk.

I immediately shoot up from the bed, making sure to straighten out where I once sat. However, I was already caught.

"I'm sorry. I was just finishing up here-" I began to apologize. I wipe away the tears from my face. The last thing I want is to be fired from this job. It was finally possible for me to make enough money to support my family, and I'm not sure what I would do if I lost my job.

"'s no problem. Th-the room looks amazing by the way," The women slurs as her man tries to keep her from falling.

"Thank you," I say bowing my head in respect.

"Here let me give you a tip," She says digging in her purse.

"N-no. It's fine ma'am." I tried to brush it off making my way to the door, but the women catches up with me and places the money in my hands.

"Bless the both of you," I say with a grateful smile before shoving the money into my apron, and walking out the room.

Once I make it to my locker to grab the rest of my things, I pull out my tip to see how much the woman gave me. It was 50,000 won wrapped around a card. When I look at the card my heart sunk to my stomach.



There's no way! This must be some sick joke. It has taken me months to put the "games" behind me, and now they want to see me. After a year, what could they want, or should I ask, what could In-ho want. He has already taken so much from me. My rage was fueled by the thought that In-ho thinks he can summon me whenever he likes after what he did to me. There is nothing I want more than to kill him, to make him pay for what he did. Suddenly, I remembered the gun in my car. As a result of the games, I became paranoid about everyone, so I purchased one to protect myself. Now, In-ho might be worth a visit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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