chapter 9

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Several lines were formed, and the masked men walked down each one, examining us. As I stood between the old man and Gi-hun, I focused my attention on my shoes until the masked men had finished examining us. After they were done, I slowly looked up and noticed an obvious wet stain on the old man's pants. The sight of that made me feel completely sorry for him. I knew it would embarrass him if everyone saw it. So I turned to Gi-hun, "Hey! Give me your jacket," I gave him a look that implied hurry, but he looked at me concerned. "What's the matter? Are you cold?" I held out my hand, "Just give me your jacket," I asked, and he quickly removes his jacket and placed it in my hand. I grab the jacket from his hand and wrap it around player 01's waist.

When I finish tying the knot, I say, "Here you go, I hope this helps.". Probably stunned at my thoughtfulness, he looks down at his waist.

As the old man breathes heavily, he says, "Thank you very much, my friend."

"You're welcome, sir. I got you covered." Both of us chuckle, and he pats my shoulder, as my father always did when I was a kid. The sweet moment was interrupted when familiar music rang through the dorm.

Attention. The fourth game is about to begin. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall. Let me repeat the instructions. The fourth game is about to begin. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall.

Shit. It felt like we just finished the previous game and now they are pushing into another, we all walk in line to the game room, hoping the next game won't be too hard.

As we walk up the stairs, my body collides into Gi-hun, before I could yell at him I look up to see five bodies hanging from the ceiling. I let out a gasp and brought my hand to my mouth.

The head masked man began to speak, "Players, what you witness before you is what remains of those who broke the rules for their own benefit. They tainted the pure and fair ideology everything here has been built upon. Each and every one of you is considered an equal within the walls of this facility. You must be guaranteed the same opportunities without being disadvantaged or facing any kind of discrimination. We truly apologize for allowing such an unacceptable incident to occur."

My eyes quickly searched to see if one of the men hanging could be Joon-ho, I couldn't quite tell and it sent a pain to my stomach. I didn't want to acknowledge the chances of him being dead. In all honesty, I wanted to break down at this moment, but I couldn't because of everyone around. I breathed in and out, but my heart was beating like it was in the middle of a galloping race, and I removed my hands from my mouth and ran my hand through my hair. I was freaking the hell out thinking that Joon-ho could be dead.

A light tap on my shoulder made me turn around and see the old man

A worried look crossed his face, and he stepped forward to ask, "Are you okay, my friend?"

I blinked away my watery eyes and smiled despite how distraught I looked. I couldn't tell him what was really going on, so I lied. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just allergies." Clearing my throat trying to make it somewhat believable.

After a few minutes of staring at each other, he smiled and nodded his head. He probably didn't buy my story, but honestly, I didn't care. All I know is that after this game, I need to attempt to find Joon-ho. If I am not able to find him then I know something terrible has happened to him.

The music continued signaling us to walk up the stairs to the game.

Players welcome to the fourth game. For this game, you will be playing in teams of two. Please look around and find someone you wish to play with. When two people agree to play together, shake hands to show you have become partners. Let me repeat the instructions. For this game, you will be playing in teams of two. Please look around and find someone you wish to play with.

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