chapter 11

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Suddenly, I found myself in a dark room, lying on a strange bed. The blow earlier had left my head pounding and sore. Joon-ho on the cliff was the last thing I remember. The sight of him falling off completely broke my heart. It is impossible to imagine anything more painful than watching the man you love die in front of you. It was all thanks to In-ho. How could In-ho shoot his own brother? The only reason Joon-ho was here was because of me. As I felt my anger grow, I wanted nothing more than to make him pay for what he had done.

My eyes scan the room. My attention was immediately drawn to the fact that a camera was constantly watching my every move. I need to figure out a way to get the fuck out of here. Despite my attempts to stand up, I flinched at the slight pressure on my hand. I think I may have broken it. It was surprising to find my hand wrapped up, which caused me to scoff. After all they put us through, now they wanted to care.

As I searched for any exit, I found none. I will give them some credit for removing the door handles. Seeing a screen on one of the walls, I moved towards it, and the screen showed the arena where red light, green light was played. The fuck is going on?

A red-masked man soon entered the arena, followed by two men in suits. "It looks like Gi-hun and Sang-woo." I pointed out. "They're the only remaining players." That means Sae-byeok is." "Fuck!" I yell, slamming my hand into the wall before I can finish my sentence. Yet another person I care about is dead. I ignored the pain as the blood soaked into the bandages that was wrapped around my hand.

"For the final game, you'll both be playing Squid Game." The speaker announced, "Let me explain the rules of Squid Game. One, the attacker must enter the squid shape court, run past the defense, and then tap the area inside the squid's head with his foot to secure the win. Two, the defender must block the attacker's advance and force them outside of the court's bounds in order to win. Three, if a situation arises, in which either player is unable to continue playing the game, the last one standing will be the winner. That would be referring to the player's death. And now, with that, let the game begin."

"Squid game? I don't remember the name, but I remember playing something very similar as a little girl. Among all the games that kids played back then, it was the most physical and violent." I said to myself. Knowing the type of person Sang-woo is, I couldn't help, but be scared for Gi-hun.

Gi-hun and Sang-woo began fighting. Of course, the game makers couldn't stand a fair fight, so they induced rain, making it increasingly difficult for the men to see. As I watch friends fighting to the death over some stupid money, I feel sick to my stomach. While we were here, I got to know both of them, and I didn't want to witness either die. I was thrown out of my thoughts when I noticed Sang-woo had gained the upper hand and was choking Gi-hun with his jacket. Even from where I was standing, I could see the color leave his face as the tightness of his jacket restricted his breathing. The thought of losing another person would be too painful; I've already suffered so much. I repeatedly kicked my leg against the screen. There was no way I could keep watching their sick and twisted game. I couldn't understand how these people could make others resort to such horrible acts against one another. A crack is visible on the screen from where I kicked it. I slowly made my way towards it tracing my finger along it. To my surprise I was able to feel the cool breeze from the rain on my finger from the crack.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself. That could only mean that this isn't a screen, it's a window. My eyes widen at my realization, and I quickly pick up a chair and with all the strength left in me I slam it against the window shattering it to pieces. I shield my face to prevent the glass enter my eyes, before yelling out to them below.

"STOP!" I yelled, causing both man to look up towards me. It was just in time because Sang-woo was about to push Gi-hun out of the arena. They seem shock to see me, probably assumed I was dead. However, Gi-hun took advantage and head-butted Sang-woo. He probably hoped that this would stunned Sang-woo, but it only made him angrier. Sang-woo ran towards him delivering repeated blows to the body.

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