Part 56- Trys

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Doctor- I don't know why but she is not gaining her consciousness. If within 3 hrs she doesn't gain her consciousness. Then I think she has went to 'coma'.

Aryaman- what do you mean by that? We cannot loose hope like this. She will come back. We all know that

Sofia- She had never loose hope on us. Why will we?

Meera- We will fight for her. Please tell us doctor. What we can do to bring her back. Please tell us.

Doctor- You all can talk to her. And try to gain her response. Try something to which its obvious that she will respond.

Kumud- We will try. We will be strong for her. We will fight for her.

Harshad- Yes doctor, we will try our best.

Doctor- Ok. We are moving her to the room. There you all xan meet her and talk to her. I hope you all will try your best.

Manik- Okay doctor.

Doctor- There are some formalities. Please come with me and do that.

Manik- Yes doctor, I am coming.

Kumud- Why will you go? We are her family. We will do everything. If you want to do anything then just leave.

Manik- Di, I am sorry but I can't obey your this order. I will stay here with her and for her. And you all go and try to seek her response, till then I will do all the formalities.

Manik was about to leave but stip and turn towards Kumud.

Manik- Di, I don't know you will understand me or not. But more that you all I want Nandu back, because she is the reason why I am smiling. She is the reason why my heart is still beating. I will never leave her. Atleast not at this time. So, I hope you will respect my feelings just like I am respecting your care for her.

Kumud doesn't respond. Manik leaves from there.


Nurse come to Kumud

Nurse- You all can go and meet her. But please go in pair as this is hospital.

Meera- Di, You and jiju go.

Harshad- Are you sure?

Fantastic 4 nods

Kumud and Harshad goes inside the room with a smile.

Kumud- Nandu, see What Harshad is saying. He is saying that he wants a girl.

Harshad- So what? Obviously I want a girl just like our Nandu. Who is very brave and very naughty.

Kumud- Ae! Don't call my nandu naughty. She is very cute and very responsible. She can handle anything.

Harshad- Yeah, that's why I want a girl child just like Nandu.

Kumud- No, Nandu tell him na. You only told me na , that you want a boy, who will always flirt with you. And he will be your boyfriend.

Kumud and Harshad laughs

Harshad-Do you remember Kumud? How she used to always say that Young boyfriends are very cute. She will make him a very strong man.

Kumud- And yeah, Nandu shall I tell you a secret?

Harshad- No don't tell her that, she will get very angry.

Kumud looks at Nandini and raise her brows.

Kumud- Nandu do you wanna know the secret??

Kumud and Harshad looks at Nandini. She didn't respond. Kumud starting getting teary eyes. Harshad pats her head.

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