Present: Love

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Here it is. The final chapter of Evangeline. Thanks for following along to this story! I may occasionally put snippets in or do a sequel. NOTE: This chapter is highly cannon divergent, but the same outcome at the end. A bit shorter than usual, but I just wanted to wrap this up finally. Characters may be OOC.

Evangeline stood on the mostly deserted train platform. The station that was usually bustling with activity was dead. Magnolia had been evacuated, as had many more cities holding Fairy Tail's allies. Yuri was asleep in her arms as she said goodbye to her husband, possibly for the last time.

"Take care of yourself. They are powerful, but we have something they don't," Evangeline said. Laxus smirked.

"That is true. We've got our bonds to each other, and that will get us through," Laxus replied. Evangeline smiled sadly.

"Make sure you come back to me, okay?" Laxus nodded to her and held onto her, careful not to squish their son between them.

"I love you," he told her.

"I love you, too."


Evangeline caught the last train out of the city. A few leftover civilians and weaker mages had fled with her. The ride was solemn. She was blind as to what would happen. She couldn't defend herself, much less her son, if she was to be found. She was still mostly powerless, only able to slightly feel emotions and some thoughts if they were quite loud.

She got to her hotel and checked herself in. The hotel was mostly booked from citizens fleeing their homes. Alverez would have no mercy on them if they were caught.

Hours passed while Evangeline held Yuri close to her. He was quiet, as if feeling his mother's fear.

Then Universe One was cast.

Evangeline, who was once huddled on the ground with her son, was now in the fragmented remains of what must have been Magnolia, as well as several other cities combined. She had never felt such immense power in one place before, and she was terrified of it.

"I was wondering when we would get to see you, Lady Evangeline," a voice spoke. This one she recognized.

"God Serena, I was wondering when we would get the chance to meet again," Evangeline spoke, a quiver in her voice. Undoubtably the man was able to feel her lack of power.

"It's unfortunate that you had to lose that demon of yours. It makes killing you a lot less fun. However, now I can take something from you that will hurt you even more. You were always a threat to me. It's a pity you have fallen so far from your glory," Serena smirked. Evangeline's blood ran cold. She clutched Yuri tighter to her chest.

"You will not harm my child," she spit, venom seeping in her words.

"Ah, Goddess, there's nothing you can do about it. I will take from you whatever I can. There can only be one God of Ishgar," Serena said as he approached her.

"It is neither of us," Evangeline said as her tattoo started to glow. "There is only one that rules this continent, and this entire plane of existence. Just because she is no longer with me doesn't mean that I'm alone."

"And she's right," a familiar voice said from behind her. Evangeline froze. "It took me almost a year of siphoning your power, Evangeline, I apologize. However, my sacrifice for you broke the curse. I just needed time to recover to the point where I would be able to save you and our family."

"But the demon is dead," Serena blanked. "The Demon Goddess Lilith is dead."

"No, I'm right here. And I was given the name Aspen by my friend here, and that is what I shall go by. Now, you have dared to not only betray your nation, your family, your friends, but also threatened to harm the one who finally freed me from centuries of torture?" Aspen spoke, her voice thick with hatred. She walked in front of Evangeline, who was finally able to see the Goddess in her true form again.

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