Past: Evangeline and Gray

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Year 1

Evangeline sat in the guild hall eating a grilled cheese sandwich while watching older members of the guild argue about who was going to be nominated for the S-Class trials this year. She sighed. Everyone was to caught up with trying to be the strongest that they forgot they were supposed to be a family. The S-Class promotion trials were something Evangeline disliked because of their nature: They pitted guild mates against one another. That wasn't how Fairy Tail was supposed to function. But, Evangeline didn't make the rules. Maybe when Laxus inherited the guild they could change it together.

"Hey Ev," said blonde greeted her as he sat down at her table.

"Hey Laxus," Evangeline replied, smiling at him.

"Gramps said that he'd let us take a job in Magnolia if you wanted to do that tomorrow with me," Laxus told her. Evangeline's eyes lit up.

"Of course! I've been waiting until he finally let you go on your own jobs," she said. Ivan was never around, so Master was Laxus's main guardian. He tended to be protective of his grandson, especially since Laxus had been pretty sick as a kid. After Laxus got his scar, he seemed to get healthier and stronger. Evangeline knew his father had something to do with it, but she wasn't sure what. Laxus never told her.

"Are you sure your parents will be okay with it? I don't want them to get mad," Laxus asked her. Evangeline shook her head.

"Don't worry about it. They let me go on local jobs myself all the time. They just want to look at the details before we go. Anyway, they would never be mad at you," Evangeline said. Laxus frowned.

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes, I don't know why we have to have this conversation every time you want to go with me somewhere," Evangeline sighed. Laxus blushed.

"I just... I don't... I don't want them to get mad at me for spending time with you," he said. Evangeline rolled her eyes.

"Honestly they would prefer me to spend more time with you than everyone else in the guild right now. The adults drink too much," she said. Laxus laughed.

"I suppose. Want to go pick one off the board then?" Evangeline nodded. The two stood and walked over to the jobs board.

The board was organized with jobs within Magnolia being on the lower left part so that younger members could easily reach them. All the jobs in that corner were deemed to not need magic and have minimal risk of any fights. Those were the only ones that Evangeline were allowed to take, and she was happy Laxus was allowed to take them with her now. The rest of the board contained jobs about finding thieves, fighting bandits, defeating Wyverns, and all sorts of fun, and dangerous, things. Someday Evangeline wanted to take one of those.

"How about this one," Laxus said, pointing to a flyer about helping an old woman move furniture to her new apartment. It was only about a block away from her old apartment, so it wouldn't be too hard. It paid 20,000 jewel, so between the two of them they would have some money to spend for the month.

"I think it'll be good," she replied. Laxus nodded to her, then took it off the job board. He brought it over to his grandfather who stamped the request and waved Evangeline over.

"I'll be waiting to hear how this goes for you two. I'm hoping to let you two go outside of Magnolia for quick jobs soon," he said. Both teens' eyes lit up.

"Really?" They both said in sync. Master nodded.

"Your parents are ready to let you go on your own, Evangeline, but I'd like both of you to go together for my own sanity. You will keep him in line, I'm sure," the old man said, winking at Evangeline.

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