Present: Edolas

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Evangeline sat at the bar, downing yet another vodka shot.

"Mira," she called at she held up her shot glass for another fill. Instead of filling the glass, Mira took it.

"Evangeline. You've had ten shots and its only 2pm. I'm cutting you off," Mira said. Evangeline sighed and rested her head on the bar top.

"Mira so mean," Evangeline said. Mira gave Evangeline a look.

"Ev, you gotta stop just coming to the guild to get drunk," Mira said. Evangeline shook her head, though it didn't work very well since she still had her face on the bar top.

"Gray took all my booze before he left. Need booze here," Evangeline said.

"Evangeline. Look at me," Mira said, her tone leaving no room for resistance. Evangeline picked her head up to look at her friend.

Mira slapped her. Hard. Everyone who was at the guild stopped talking and looked over at the two.

"Get yourself together, Evangeline. You are not someone who tries to forget her problems my drowning herself in alcohol. Stop hiding. Now go home and sort through your feelings and stop being a hypocrite," Mira said. Her voice echoed through the guild hall and everyone heard her loud and clear. Mira wanted to be the supportive friend, but that wasn't what Evangeline needed. Evangeline needed someone to push her right now.

Evangeline held her left cheek where Mira had slapped her and looked at her with wide eyes. She stayed silent for a moment before she blinked and dropped her head.

"Sorry, Mira," Evangeline mumbled. Mira put her hand on her shoulder.

"We love you, Evangeline. I'm sorry I had to do that, but someone needed to," Mira said. Evangeline nodded, then stood up.

"I might take a vacation for a while," Evangeline said. Mira nodded.

"That's a good idea. Just tell us where you're off to, okay?" Mira told her. Evangeline nodded to her before she left the guild.

Evangeline took to the streets of Magnolia with no real destination in mind. Her mind was still foggy from all her alcohol that morning. And the day before. She was dreading the hangover she'd have the next day.

She ended up outside Kardia Cathedral. It was currently having repairs done from the damage caused weeks ago from the Battle of Fairy Tail. She stood there for a few minutes staring at the building before walking towards the cemetery. It had been a long time since she visited her parents' graves.

She found the graves without really needing to think about it.

"Hey Mom. Dad," Evangeline said softly. "Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while. A lot has happened recently." Evangeline sat down on the ground.

"Remember how I told you that Laxus started changing after his father got expelled? He kept getting worse. Whatever darkness his father instilled in him before he was banished kept growing. The dragon's lacrima probably didn't help either. He didn't tell me about it. I could have helped him, but he didn't tell me. It kept getting worse until he actually attacked me. I've got a scar from that, now. I lost most of my magic for about a year. We got a divorce after. Then a few weeks ago, he made everyone in the guild fight each other. I was the only one who would be able to beat him aside from Gildarts, who is still on his 100-year mission. He'd completely lost control over himself. I fought him. A little bit into our fight, I heard something. I heard his thoughts. I finally learned your magic," she said.

"There's more, though. There were two voices in his head. The Laxus I married was still there. The darker version had taken control, though. My magic had come back and I was able to use light magic to get rid of that dark voice. We talked for a bit after that before he knocked me out. He told me he loved me still. That he always would. Then the next day, I woke up to find out that he was gone.

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