Present: The Grand Magic Games

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Hours later, the group arrived in Crocus. Evangeline and Laxus separated away from the others to adventure.

"This place hasn't changed at all," Evangeline said as she looked at the buildings lining the main street.

"I'm not surprised. Crocus was always busy," Laxus said.

"I suppose. Say, do you think that Seasons is still open?" Evangeline asked. Laxus shrugged.

"I'd assume so. Dinner?" Evangeline nodded.

"I still have the pass, you know," she said. Laxus shook his head.

"You, my love, have a hoarding problem," Laxus teased. Evangeline rolled her eyes.

"Mhmm, sure. I'm getting us free food at the top restaurant in Fiore, and you call me a hoarder," Evangeline said as she crossed her arms and walked in the direction of the restaurant. Laxus followed closely behind, and they arrived at Seasons shortly after. The line was outrageous, as they expected, but Evangeline showed their pass. The host seemed amazed.

"Please follow me. I will fetch the owner for you," the host hurriedly said as he sat them in a private booth.

"He'll be shocked at how young we look," Evangeline giggled to herself.

"Yeah, he'll be expecting us to look like dinosaurs," Laxus said sarcastically.

"Are you calling me old?" Evangeline said, faking offense.

"I don't know. I think I see a gray hair-" Laxus said as he reached across the table and went to touch her hair. She playfully slapped his hand away.

"My, my. Look at you two," a familiar voice said from beside them. Evangeline and Laxus turned to face the man.

"Lord Beckett. It's nice to finally get to see you again," Evangeline greeted. She held out her hand to shake his, but he grabbed it and kissed the back of it.

"It is lovely to see both of you again. When I heard what had happened to you, I was heartbroken. I've been attempting to support your guild in whatever way I could. I am delighted that you are all alive and have returned," Lord Beckett told them. He then turned to face Laxus specifically.

"And you, idiot boy, ended up divorced from this lovely flower? However, it seems you have sorted your issues," he said, casting a calculating gaze on Laxus. Laxus sighed.

"Yeah. I made several huge mistakes the last few years before we disappeared. I won't forgive myself for them, and I don't understand why she has. I have no intention of ever letting that happen again," Laxus stated. Lord Beckett held his stare for a moment longer before smiling.

"Good man. Everyone makes mistakes in life, and what matters is that you have grown from them. Now, in celebration of your return, I'll be sending out our seven course meal, on me, of course. I'll have my staff select a drink pairing for each course, as well. Welcome back, Evangeline. Laxus. Please do return, and not just here. Return Fairy Tail to its rightful position as number one in Fiore!" Lord Beckett announced.

"We will. Our friends have suffered long enough in our absence," Evangeline said. Laxus nodded. Upon seeing this, Lord Beckett left the two.

Dinner itself was amazing. The entire cost of the meal was likely close to 80,000 Jewel. The couple walked out of the restaurant and made their way to the orphan statue that Evangeline had connected with so many years ago. She went and stood next to the statue, and Laxus stayed by her side.

"You know," Evangeline started. "We only ever end up in Crocus when we are at a crossroads in our lives."

"What do you mean?" Laxus asked, curious as to what she meant.

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