Past: The Best and Worst of Life

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Year 7

Evangeline and Laxus were out on their last job before they got married. Evangeline had made S-Class a few months before, but never had a chance to go on jobs with Laxus because he was always off with his team. Not that she disliked them, but she missed him. This job in particular was a SS-Class job that was labeled as 'Urgent' on the request board. Given, most of the jobs were considered urgent, but this one was different. A group of wyverns had taken up residence near a town called Snow, which was close to the northern border. Everyone in Snow depended on their livestock to survive, and the livestock were being taken and eaten. Snow wouldn't survive the winter if they didn't take out the wyverns soon.

This was how Evangeline actually convinced Laxus to go with her. He didn't want her to go on a SS-Class job for the first time alone, and Gildarts was not around to go with her. She decided to play her trump card: Crying. Laxus hated it when she cried. She started crying on command, a trick she had been practicing since Laxus was seemingly always gone and said that he didn't want to go with her because he was bored of her. That made him freak out, as was her plan. She stopped crying instantly, and Laxus knew he had been played.

"How many hours until we get there?" Laxus groaned. He hated trains.

"Seven. Settle in for a long haul. Then it'll be another two hours by carriage," Evangeline replied, rolling his eyes.

"Why did I agree to come?" he groaned again. Evangeline shook her head.

"Because you've been off with your team since we got engaged really, and especially since my promotion, and you love me," she said. "Come over here and put your head in my lap. It might help you sleep." Laxus did as he was told, knowing that his fiancée was not happy with him. He did feel bad because he was saving to buy a house with her, therefore was always out on jobs with the Raijinshu, but he knew he should have gone with her on more jobs. After he got settled, he fell asleep quickly.

Evangeline stared at Laxus as he slept and felt a smile come to her face. She loved him so much and couldn't wait for their wedding that was in three months. Evangeline was stressed with planning because she didn't have a dress yet, and she had to make sure that everything was ready to go. She knew she shouldn't have been stressing out too much, especially since she needed to be focused for the job they were on, but she wanted her wedding to be perfect. She only intended on marrying Laxus in her lifetime.

Evangeline requipped her soundpods and fell asleep within twenty minutes. She managed to sleep for about three hours before waking up again. Laxus was still asleep on her lap. She started running her fingers through his hair and closed her eyes. It had been months since they had had much time to just the two of them. She internalized most of her feelings about him not being around, and she really hadn't said much except that she missed him and wanted him to go on a job with him. Truthfully, she felt a bit like he had asked her to marry him because that just seemed like the right thing to do. He hadn't told her about why he was going on jobs so often. She knew they would probably buy their own place and... sell her parents house, but she didn't think that they needed to think about it too much yet. She sighed. They had a lot to talk about when he eventually woke up.

"Ev?" Laxus asked just after she finished her thought.

"Hmm?" Laxus sat up but didn't move away from her.

"We've got a lot to talk about, don't we?" he murmured. She nodded beside him.

"I think we do," was all she said. Laxus sighed.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I've been trying to save a lot for a house and also to pay for the wedding and everything. I should have told you beforehand, so I'm sorry. I made you upset and that was never my intention," he started. "I've also been trying to get stronger so that you won't always be the one to protect me when things go south. I want to be able to protect you, too. I know that there are people after you because of Aspen, but I don't know why." Evangeline nodded.

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