Present: The New Year

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January 1st, x792

Evangeline woke up to find Laxus and Yuri not in their room. She figured Laxus had taken him downstairs so as to not wake her up. She looked at the clock and saw it was 9am. She hadn't slept in that long in over a month. She sat up and stretched her arms above her head.

"Mmm, I can't believe he didn't wake me up. This feels nice, though," she mumbled to herself. She got out of bed carefully and put her robe on and went downstairs. She'd make the bed later.

"Someone decided not to wake me up this morning," she said when she walked into the kitchen, but she was surprised to find her boys weren't there. "Huh, wonder where they went." She went into the living room and saw Laxus asleep with Yuri on his chest. Evangeline smiled and shook her head.

"I need a picture of this," Evangeline mumbled as she went into the kitchen and grabbed their camera. She had made sure they had a camera available to take pictures of their baby boy, since he would grow up so much without his family. Fairy Tail would appreciate the pictures. She snapped a picture of the two and then went back to the kitchen and made herself some eggs for breakfast and a cup of plain black tea.

Around half an hour later, Yuri started crying and Laxus woke up. Evangeline watched them from her place at the kitchen table.

"Someone's finally awake," she teased. Laxus shook his head as he went over to her and handed Yuri off to her.

"What time is it even?" Laxus asked as he made up a bottle for Yuri.

"Around 10 now I believe. I got to sleep until 9 and it was amazing," Evangeline smiled.

"I didn't even mean to fall asleep. We got up at about 6 this morning," Laxus told her. She nodded. A few minutes later, Laxus handed Evangeline Yuri's bottle. Yuri was very excited about it.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Laxus asked. She shrugged.

"Probably go to Magnolia and visit my parents. It's the first day of the new year," Evangeline suggested.

"Yeah, then we can swing by the house. I'm assuming you want to go see Lucy, too?" Laxus said. Evangeline nodded.

"Yeah, if she's there. I heard she's gotten a job with Sorcerer's Weekly as a junior writer now, so she might be in Crocus," Evangeline sighed.

"Doesn't hurt to check," Laxus reminded.

"I suppose. So, what time does the next train leave?" Evangeline asked.

"I think at noon. So, we've got about an hour and a half to get ready," Laxus said. "I guess I'll get a shower in while you finish up with him. Then trade off?" Evangeline nodded.

"You haven't met your grandma and grandpa Hastings yet. They would have loved you so much, baby boy. Unfortunately, I lost them when I was still a kid. That doesn't mean I stopped loving them, though. Even when someone is gone, they live on in your heart. Now, you also haven't met your Auntie Lucy. I met her on a train when she was just a little kid," Evangeline told the baby who was blinking at her as he finished his bottle. She adjusted his so she could burp him.

"Magnolia is where home used to be. It always will be, truly. We'll bring you by the house, and we'll show you the room we hope you grow up in. We got it all ready for you months and months ago, before we were attacked by Tartaros. You'll like our house. That one is home. This one... It isn't the same. We had to get something fast and this is the only thing we liked well enough. Now, let's go get you ready for today so I can hand you off to Daddy so I can get ready," Evangeline finished, and she carried Yuri upstairs and into his room where she put him in a onesie and some pants and a shirt. It wasn't much, and he would have to have his baby snow suit on since it was winter, but she thought he was adorable.

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