Present: I Love You

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Evangeline woke up next to Gray, who was still asleep. She checked her clock, and it was just after 10am. Gray was usually at the guild by this time, so Evangeline decided to wake him by shoving him off her bed.

"Ev, whyyy?" Gray groaned, reaching up and pulling a pillow off her bed to cover his face.

"It's past 10," she said. Gray groaned again.

"I don't wanna go anywhere," he said. Evangeline laughed. Gray was hungover, and she found it hilarious.

"It's not my fault you can't hold your alcohol, Gray. Now get off the floor," Evangeline said as she got off her bed and kicked Gray softly after. He sighed loudly, then sat up.

"Do I have to go?"

"Yes. We can wait until after we go over the documents though. They should be here now," Evangeline said before she left her bedroom. She then checked her mailbox, and sure enough, there was a large envelope from Laxus's lawyer. She grabbed it and went back inside.

Gray had pulled himself together and was sitting at her table. He had also gotten himself a glass of water from the sink.

"You should grab your previous copy," he told her. Evangeline nodded and went to grab the previous version of the divorce agreement. She brought it back to the table and then opened the new version.

"Line by line like usual?" she asked. Gray nodded. Surprisingly, Gray was good at noticing small details which made him great for legal issues.

They went line by line between both documents and found no other differences in any part of the terms except an addition to what Evangeline had ownership of. There it listed the exact same thing Laxus had said in his letter: the house, half his income from the past year, and a quarter of his future earnings for the next ten years. After finishing looking over the documents, Gray sighed.

"There's no loopholes, no issues. I just don't know why," he said. Evangeline frowned.

"I can sign, then?" she asked. Gray nodded.

"We can drop it off at the lawyer's office directly since it's on the way to the guild. God, everyone's going to kill us. It's almost 4," he groaned. "I hate legal shit." Evangeline laughed.

"Me too. We still need to figure out why Laxus is doing this," she said. Gray nodded.

"Maybe one of the others will have come up with something by now as to why. There has to be some sort of motive," he insisted. Evangeline didn't want to believe him, but she couldn't help it. After what Laxus had done, there was no way she could trust anything he did.

"We should head out, then. I'm hungry," Evangeline said. The two left her apartment and dropped off Evangeline's documents at the office to get verified and all other things that they needed to do. Evangeline never paid too much attention to the process. Gray and her lawyer took care of most of it for her. Thankfully, Laxus hadn't been difficult and they hadn't needed to go to divorce court. She and Gray had been suspicious of that as well but weren't going to complain.

The two arrived at the guild a short while later. Erza waved Evangeline and Gray over to a table where Mira and the Master also sat. Erza quickly explained that she had filled the two of them in on the letter last night.

"So, there were no loopholes? Just a seemingly innocent and kind gesture?" Master said, his brows furrowed. He loved his grandson, but he had made many mistakes. Hurting Evangeline his largest to date.

"Not that I could find," Gray said. "I said it was good enough for Ev to sign, so she did."

"Will be going to the house yet?" Erza asked. Evangeline shrugged.

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