Present: Always

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I will be changing how the Tartaros arc goes because of the situation the characters are in. I will try and bring out the tone of this arc, and the aftermath will be the same. So, get ready! 

The guild went crazy at the news. They threw one of the largest parties in guild history: it lasted for ten days.

"These people always amaze me at how they can party. And I can't party with them," Evangeline pouted. Laxus rolled his eyes.

"You will be able to again eventually, stop complaining," he teased. Evangeline kept pouting.

"This is your fault, asshole," she whined. He gave her a look.

"Mhmm, whatever you say," he said. "Anyway, we should head home. Everyone is passing out. Besides, we have a job tomorrow." This made Evangeline very happy.

"I get to go?" she asked, her eyes sparkling. He nodded.

"You're careful. And remember what Aspen said, too. I'm not worried. But if something goes wrong, you bail. Right away. No questions asked," he said. She nodded. Aspen had wanted to talk to them about the situation and said that she would protect their baby in the case they had to fight while she was still pregnant, which they knew would likely happen.

"Deal," Evangeline agreed. She was just happy she wasn't going to be guild-bound for the next six months.

"Now, sleep."

The job was an easy one. They had taken a regular job with just the two of them. They had to catch a few thieves that were tormenting a small magic shop in Hargeon.

"You know, this reminds me of our first job outside of Magnolia," Evangeline remarked after they had gotten information from their client. Laxus sighed.

"We both know how that went, Ev," he breathed. "That's not going to happen again."

"Of course not. We are both as powerful as Wizard Saints, and these are just petty thieves. It doesn't matter if they have one or even two S-Class mages with them," Evangeline argued. "I was just getting at thieves and a magic shop, similar."

"Whatever you say, love," he said, shaking his head. The two would be taking the thieves out that night, most likely.

"Stop worrying so much," Evangeline told him, and then stopped walking next to him.


"Food. There. I went there all the time when I was working that concert venue job," Evangeline said, pointing to the diner in front of them.

"Bussini's, huh? I guess that's why you looked a little fluffier after you came back from that job," he teased, then regretted his words when Evangeline stiffened next to him. "Okay, I'm sorry, that was a lie."

"It had better be, asshole," Evangeline grumbled. She went inside the diner and Laxus followed after her. He was going to have to be careful incase she accidentally killed him for teasing her. HE shivered at the thought.

"Oh, hush. I won't kill you just because you make me sad. Aspen has already told me she won't let me because I'd be sadder if you died," Evangeline said, smiling. He shook his head. This would be an interesting time, that was for sure.

They were seated next to a window that faced the boardwalk.

"They have lasagna," Evangeline stated, putting her menu down.

"And it's a lasagna you approve of? I guess I know what I'm getting, then," Laxus said, putting his menu down as well. Evangeline was extremely picky about lasagna. In her mind, no one's could be as good as her mother's. If this one was acceptable, that meant it was really good.

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