Present: Tempest

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On to the present! Certain things might be exactly the same as in the manga.


Evangeline awoke to voices echoing around her. Some people seemed to be yelling, others crying. She opened her eyes and saw she was laying down under a tree, and then realized that her arm really hurt. She carefully sat up and noticed the soreness all over her body, as if she had been flung. Then she remembered what had happened prior to her passing out.

"Hey, guys, Evangeline is over here!" someone called out, then a bunch of people rushed over to her.

"Wait... Alzack? Bisca? You look older," she murmured as she watched them surround her. They were just two of the ones that came over to her.

"It's been seven years, Ev," Bisca told her while holding a hand out for Evangeline to grab. She took Bisca's hand and pulled herself up.

"Seven years? Seriously?" Evangeline said is disbelief. Bisca nodded to her.

"Everyone else is awake and moving to Christina to get back to Magnolia. You were the only one we weren't able to find," Alzack told her. At this, the group started walking towards the airship.

It didn't take long for the group to arrive, and Laxus was standing at the boarding ramp. His breath hitched when he saw her.

Evangeline saw him and broke off from the group, and, ignoring the pain all over her body, broke out into a run towards him. She got there in little time and jumped at him, his arms wrapping around her frame and holding her tightly. He set her down on her feet then kissed her as if he would never be able to again.

"I was so worried about you when no one could find you," he whispered to her after their broke apart.

"It'll take more than the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse to kill me, love," she said, kissing him again. Someone cleared their throat to their side, and they turned to face whoever it was that was interrupting them.

"We have to get going if we want to make it back before the weekend," Makarov told the pair. He had his head turned away from them because he knew that if he watched the two of them together, he wouldn't be able to make his grandson leave. Makarov promptly went up the boarding ramp to the ship, and the couple followed after him.

"So, seven years, huh?" Evangeline said as she rested her head on her "new-but-not-so-new" fiancé's shoulder.

"Mmm. Seven whole years," he sighed. "The whole world went on without us."

"In a way. But what about Romeo? My little baby really isn't a baby anymore, and you heard what Alzaxk and Bisca said. He doesn't smile anymore. The world didn't go on for him. For anyone that is truly a member of Fairy Tail. Or the members of Lamia Scale. Or Blue Pegasus," Evangeline replied. It irked her; the thought of basically being dead for seven years.

"He'll be okay now. He'll have his Mama Bear back," Laxus said, shaking his head.

"Oh, hush. You raised him, too. You're worried about him just like I am," Evangeline scolded. She saw Gray coming across the ship to talk to her. She hadn't seen or spoken to him yet. She lifted her head off of Laxus's shoulder just before Gray sat across from her.

"I'm glad you're okay," Gray said. Evangeline smiled at her brother.

"I'm glad you're okay, too," she replied.

"We were about to start tearing the island apart when Alzack found you," Gray told her. "Me and the asshole over there were about to head out when you came over." Evangeline laughed and shook her head.

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