Past: Love

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Still Year 4

Evangeline was distant. Makarov had made the decision that she wouldn't take part in the S-Class trials that year because she wasn't mentally or emotionally stable enough to handle them. When he announced the participants, Laxus nodded at him after glancing at Evangeline. Laxus was worried about her. She was his world, and right now she was in a dark place. She was lost.

"Hey, Gramps, you sure I should participate this year? I think it might be best for me to stay back with Ev," Laxus said as he sat by his grandfather at the bar. Makarov looked at him oddly.

"You'd give up your spot in the S-Class trials to take care of her?" he said, eyes bugged out.

"Of course. It's not like I won't make it next year. She's more important than a title," Laxus said. Makarov then passed out. Laxus stared at his grandfather, not sure what was wrong with him.

"Just leave him and take your girl on vacation or something," someone said from behind him. He turned to see Gildarts walking up to him. Gildarts had an envelope in his hand and gave it to Laxus.

"What?" Laxus asked, still confused.

"Week long stay in the capital at the best hotel in the city, along with dinner and waterpark tickets," Gildarts said. Laxus blinked.

"How much was this?" Laxus knew that Crocus was expensive, especially the higher end hotels.

"I'm not telling," Gildarts said as he grabbed Laxus's shoulder and pushed him towards Evangeline's table. "Now go, you already said you weren't going to the trials this year. Go take her out. Make her smile again. It's been too long since she's been happy."

Laxus decided not to argue with the man who was like a second father to him (much better than his real father, as he would eventually decide) and went over to Evangeline. She watched him walk over to her.

"Trip to Crocus?" he asked her as she sat down across from her. She shrugged.

"Why not? I assume Gildarts gave you tickets and will all but force us to go. But still, aren't S-Class trials this week? You can't miss those for a trip," Evangeline said, concern evident in her voice.

"I told Gramps I wasn't going. You are more important than a promotion," he told her, heat rising in his face. Evangeline's face softened, and a bit of a spark came to her eyes.

"You're skipping trials for me?" she whispered.

"I'd skip it every year if I had to if it was for you," he said. Unbeknownst to both of them, the adults had crept close enough to the two teens to hear what they were saying. Makarov, who had woken up, passed out again, mumbling something about great-grand babies. Gildarts just had a sappy grin on his face. The teens were like his kids. He never had any, so he took care of them like his own.

Makarov woke up again a few seconds later.

"I can't wait until they finally get married," he said, watching the teens leave the guild hall to pack for their trip.

"Eww," Gray jumped into the conversation. Gildarts and Makarov laughed at the boy.

"You'll understand when you are older. Or maybe not. I've never seen anyone love someone else like they love each other. And they are still quite young. You live with both of them. Would you really like to see them break up?" Makarov said, raising an eyebrow at the boy. Gray sighed.

"It's what happens after they get married that's my problem," Gray muttered as he walked away. Everyone who was within earshot burst into laughter.

"Five thousand jewel says the kid is oblivious to what's already going on," Gildarts said to the group at the bar.

"Pssh, I'm not stupid enough to take that bet. It's obvious," Macao said, rolling his eyes.

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