Chapter 20

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It took three days at Kasey's for me to finally calm down enough where I could think straight. With that being said I still couldn't find it in myself to try to get a hold of Austin. Besides if he wanted to talk to me he would, right? Maybe I had been right all along, maybe even the thought of dating or being around me freaked him out now. Who could blame him? I was such a mess now, a horrible broken mess.

"Tristan? Are you ever going to stop moping around and talk to your boyfriend?" Kasey asks as she takes a seat next to me at the breakfast bar.

I shrugged, "He hasn't tried to get a hold of me, so why should I?"

"Um, hun you haven't seen your phone today, have you?"

I gave her a confused look, "No I haven't checked it, why?"

She only shook her head and went to retrieve my cellphone from the counter, placing it in my palm. I pressed the home button to see that I had six missed calls from Austin and four texts. I hung my head at the sight and sighed deeply, I'm such a terrible girlfriend.

"You're calling him now, aren't you?" She asked.

"I don't know..."

She quickly cut me off with a wave of her hand, "Oh no, no! You are not pulling this crap on him! I've had to watch you both for years! Secretly wanting the other and now that you're with him you act like you don't want it! You act like you don't deserve it and you know that is not true! I don't care what has ever happened between you and Austin because no matter what I know that won't change how he feels about you! He loves you Tristy, don't you see that?"

Even though sometimes Kasey could be harsh for the way she put things, she was almost never wrong.

She put at hand on my shoulder, giving me a sad smile, "Call him sweetie, I know you want to."

After that she stepped into her room, I'm guessing to give me some privacy. I clicked on the most recent missed call notification and held my breath when the phone began to ring.

When he picked up there was relief in his voice, "Hey sweetheart, you doing alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. How are you?"

"A lot better now that you're finally speaking to me again."

"Austin... I'm sorry." I tell him softly.

"It's okay Tristy, I know you've been going through a lot. I just want you to know that I'm always going to be here for you, okay?"


"Are you ever gonna come back home to me?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Of course I do, I always want you around. No matter what. You know that right?"


"Can I see you tonight then?"


"I love you Tristan."

"And I love you Austin."

When we got off the phone with each other Kasey jogged back out of her room asking, "So, I'm guessing that went well."

"Yeah, I'm supposed to go see him tonight."

She smiled at that, "Great, you need to go see him. You clearly need him more than you think or are willing to admit."

I only nodded in agreement.

"Alright girly!" She shouted clapping her hands together, "You need to get out of those pajamas and make yourself look cute for Mr. Carlile!"

I chuckled at that and quickly got up to find some clothes before hopping in the shower.

"So what are you going to wear?" Kasey asks as she steps in the bathroom.

"It's on the sink."

She was silent for a moment before complaining, "You can't wear this!"

"And why is that?"

"It's not good enough, hang on let me grab something."

"Oh good god." I grumbled to myself as I rinsed the shampoo from my hair.

Kasey didn't come back until I was already out of the shower and wrapped in one of her fluffy towels. When she did show up, she only had a single piece of clothing in her hand.

"Is that a dress?" I asked in disbelief. She seriously wasn't going to try to make me where a dress for this was she?

"Yeah, but it's a sun dress, so it's nothing too much."

She handed me the deep red article and I noticed how light it was.

"Put it on first and then decided." She instructs me.

I nodded and unfold the dress before pushing the door shut to get dressed. Once I slipped on the thing I saw that she was right, it wasn't overly fancy like I had first though. I opened the door so she could see as well.

"I for one think you look amazing, so are you going to wear it?"

I turned slightly as I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded, "Yeah, I will."

Several hours later Kasey drove me back to my apartment so I could drive my car over to Austin's. So when I was finally alone for the first time in months I had to admit that I was a bit on edge and that had me nervously tapping on the steering wheel the whole drive there. I also didn't want to own up to how fast I went up the stairs to his front porch because in all honesty, I'm still a bit paranoid.

He opened the door after only two knocks, I guess he had been sitting close by, waiting for me to show up. I smiled softly at the thought. I was a bit shocked when he threw his arms around me in a tight embrace.

"I've missed you." He murmured against my shoulder and planted a gentle kiss there.

I dug my fingertips into his shoulders slightly at his words, nodding my agreement.

"I have a surprise for you." He tells me as he pulls back and takes my hand to lead me inside.

"And what would that be?"

"Come on and I'll show you." He says with a secretive smile.

When I'm guided around the corner I see just what the surprise is and blown away so much that I'm speechless for a moment.

"Austin, I can't believe you did this."

This Rebellion Has It's Cause (Austin Carlile)Where stories live. Discover now