Chapter 12

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A week after Austin and I's Disney date, we sat on my couch while he read me some of his newest lyrics and I have to admit they are amazing.

"Hey go get your guitar and I'll let you hear some of it." Austin tells me with a smile and nudges my shoulder playfully with his own.

I nod and quickly rush to my room to grab the instrument, when I hear the sound of my phone beeping, so I patted my pockets for it and then I remember I left it on the arm rest of my couch. On my way back into the living room I plucked the strings of my tan guitar to find Austin looking pissed.

'Oh god what now?' I think to myself, dreading whatever had bothered him. I leaned my guitar against the side of the couch, watching him carefully.

"How long have you been getting text messages like this?" He questioned holding out my phone to me.

I warily take the cellphone from his hand and find that I had received another message from Max which read, 'Do you really think that ignoring me will help you? It's not like you can hide from me.'

I gulped dropping the phone on the carpeted floor and basically collapsed onto the couch.

"Tristan, you have to tell me when he started doing this." Austin demanded, but kept his voice calm.

"Last week." I mumble, thinking of all the messages I've been sent from Max in the past few days, the threats twenty times worse than the newest one, but Austin didn't know about those.

"I'm not going to let him scare you anymore." He tells me as he scoops my phone off the floor.

I shook my head furiously, "They're just texts Austin."

In honesty part of me worried that wasn't the case, I just didn't want Austin to find a way deeper into this mess and I don't want him to get hurt.   

"Tristy this has got to stop."

I finally snapped, "Then what are you going to do?! Austin I don't want anything bad to happen to you, I care about you too much."

He sighed then pleaded, "Don't you think I feel the same way Tristan? You've always meant so much to me and I don't want to see Max try to force you to be with him or even think about hurting you in anyway."

"Austin, I..."

"I'm ending this." He stated standing up from the couch.

"Ending what?" I asked fearfully, was he really going to stop what we had going simply because of Max?

"I'm going to get the message through his thick skull once and for all." Austin muttered heading for the door.

"Austin please..." I begged, but he was already out the door and I had to quickly chase after him. Luckily I got in his car just in time before he sped off to Max's place.

He wasted no time jumping out of his car and dashing up to Max's apartment. He pounded on the door until a for once sober Max answered looking slightly smug and pissed at the same time.

"When are you going to get the point? Tristan is done with you and your bullshit." Austin growled.

Max stepped outside of his home before saying loud enough where I could hear, "To bad she couldn't tell me that for herself."

“I wouldn’t even let her get near you if she wanted to after what you did to her.”

Max rolled his dark eyes before stepping around Austin and making his way down the stairs to where I stood. I didn’t want to own up to it, but I was slightly nervous about what he was planning to do. “Is this what you’re reduced to? Him telling you what to do? How is that not worse than me Trist?"

This Rebellion Has It's Cause (Austin Carlile)Where stories live. Discover now