Chapter 1

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Four years later and he’s still here…

 “Tristan what the hell is the matter with you?!”

“Oh fuck off Max!” I shouted slamming the bus door in his face.

“I’m getting tired of your shit Trist!” Max yelled.

“Well then leave!” I scream before flopping down on the couch

“Are you fighting with him again?” Austin asked taking a seat next to me.

I pushed my fringe out of my face, sighing deeply, “Yea I am.”

He laughed lightly, “What is it this time?”

“The usual, he parties with girls and drinks too much. I’m just sick of all his shit and drama.” I mutter waving my hand in dismissal.

“Why don’t you just break up with him?” Austin asked.

“Again?” I question raising an eyebrow, “To be honest with you, I can’t stop myself from hoping that he’ll come around, that he realizes that our relationship is worth more than the parties and alcohol.”

Austin made a face, then said, “Don’t you think he would have realized that a long time ago if that was the case? Tristy, you deserve a lot better. I know Alan feels the same way I do.”      

“Why are you even worried about it? It doesn’t really affect you. Besides where the hell would there be another guy that could deal with my ass on a daily basis?”

He shrugged, “I can do it easily, so it shouldn’t be to hard.”

“Austin you’re my brother’s best friend, you’ve known me for years, of course you can deal with me. It would be kind of sad if you couldn’t.”

“No that would just mean you are crazier than you first thought.”

I laughed shoving him slightly, why does he always have to kid with me? If I wasn’t in love with Max…Austin, he would be the one I’d go after, but I understand why that will not happen. He has a girlfriend of his own and he loves her, I’m probably like his unrelated baby sister in his eyes.

“Tristan you’re almost twenty two, when are you gonna get a real job?” Alan whined from his bunk rubbing his eyes, I clearly just woke him up, the lazy bastard.

“I like being a roadie and no one else would be able to stand you guys if I left!” I shouted and noticed Alan make a pained face for how loud I was, oh how I love pissing off my brother.

“She can’t leave anyway! I won’t let her!” Austin cried wrapping his arms around my waist and I chuckled.

“See? Austin won’t have it.”

“Oh my god you two are fucking evil.” Alan muttered moving back into his bunk and shutting the curtain.

“So when’s the next show?” I asked turning back to Austin.

“Later tonight and then there’s supposed to be some kind of after party.”

I let a groan resting my head in my hand.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just don’t want to deal with Max being wasted again and ruining my evening.” I sigh shaking my head a tiny bit.

“Just hang out with me tonight then, I won’t mess anything up for you and that’s a promise.”

I nodded, “Alright Austin, I’ll take your word on it.”


I downed a single shot and I already feel like I have a buzz, that’s the beauty of being an inexperienced drinker, ha not. So I decided to stop and head back to the bus, parties like this aren’t really my thing. Before I could step outside Max grabs my hand and for once he didn’t smell of booze.

“Tristan, where are you going?” He asked as he let go of me.

I shrugged somewhat in response replying, “Back to the tour bus.”

“How come?”

I sighed, but before I could say anything that would get us in another fight Austin hurries up to me saying, “Hey Tristy, Alan asked me to come get you. He said he needs you for a second.”

I nodded and followed Austin, not saying another word to Max. When we were out of Max’s sight Austin stopped walking and turned to me with a grin saying, “I told you that I wouldn’t let your night get ruined.”

I smiled myself thanking him, “Not bad Carlile, thanks for that.”

“Not a problem, any time you need someone to bail you out, ask for me.”

I chuckled, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

My phone buzzed and I saw that I got a text message from Max that read, ‘Can we talk later?’

‘Sure.’ I replied quickly.

I guess Austin saw the texts because he asked, “You’re not really gonna go do this again are you?”

I let out a deep breath, “It’s not like he’s ever slept with any of the girls he flirts with, and maybe I should stop taking it so personally. I can’t blame him for doing something he’s not aware of.”

Austin sighed deeply himself, running a hand through his hair, “Tristan, I just worry about you and what you’re doing.”

I frowned slightly before pulling Austin into a hug murmuring, “I promise you I’ll be okay, don’t stress yourself about me. You have a lot to take care of already as it is. There are more important things than what I do to myself.”

“That may be true to you, but that’s not how I feel about what you are doing.”

“Shouldn’t you be worrying about your girlfriend Stacey? She’s back at home in California, aren’t you wondering what she’s up to?” I question letting him go.

“Yea, but I don’t have to worry about her getting into too much trouble.”

I groaned, “Thanks for making me sound like a kid.”

“I’m not trying to do that, I just don’t want to see my friend get into a mess she can’t fix.” He explained looking worried.



“You’re ruining my evening.” I state and then head for the bus like I originally had planned.

“I’m sorry Tristy.” He said softly before I was out of earshot and I could feel my stomach sink out of guilt.

 “I’m sorry for doing this to you Austin.” I whisper under my breath to myself.


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This Rebellion Has It's Cause (Austin Carlile)Where stories live. Discover now