Chapter 1

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I sigh as I sat on my mattress. I can't live in this house without my parents giving me a black eye. I know what you are all thinking, I can just leave this place. But I can't, they won't let me. Like they say and I quote, "We love to torture you and hear you scream in pain, where would all the fun go if you left?". I try to escape, but they would always capture me and beat me 10 times harder. Anyways, the weather in Seoul is not all that bad. Today it's raining, argghh. I hate the rain.

Besides the weather, Seoul is a very dangerous place to live in, because the mafia gang called "Stray Kids", owns Seoul and South Korea. The leader of that gang is Lee Felix. I hear many rumors about him which are not pretty, trust me.

I laid down on my mattress which was in my bedroom. But to be honest with you, I don't think it's a bedroom because in the right corner there is a dusty mattress on which I have laid on and near the door is a dirty wardrobe. Also, there is a shattered window, it gets cold at night and I don't have a blanket to keep me warm. Like my parents said, "Dirty rags like you don't need to be kept warm.".

I got up and started getting changed into a hoodie and ripped blue jeans. After that, I got a little bag which has some makeup in it. I really don't like wearing makeup but I need to cover up the bruises on my face and neck. I brush my hair and left it down. Once I have done that, I quietly walked downstairs making sure not to wake up my parents.

But faith brought me in another direction. I saw my dad in the kitchen reading his newspaper with a beer bottle in his hand.

*Oh my god this cannot be good*

I walked to the kitchen with my head down because I'm afraid if I look up my dad will start punching me and start lecturing me about how to be obedient. As I was walking towards the fridge, I accidentally nudged his shoulder and all of his drink fell on the newspaper that he was reading.


"WHAT THE FUCK!", He shouted as he turned towards me. "CAN'T YOU SEE WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU FUCKING WHORE?!!".

The next thing I know, I had a burning stinging sensation on my left cheek and I knew he had slapped me. I cover my cheek with my left hand and whispered more like stuttered, "I-I a-am so-sorry I d-didn't m-mean-", I couldn't finish what I was saying because he punched me in my stomach.

I screamed in pain and fell on the floor. He started to kick me repeatedly and I protectively put my hands on my stomach. I had tears falling down my face.

"S-STOP", I shouted at him to stop but he wouldn't listen. He just kicked me harder. My so-called "Father" kneeled down to me and wiped my tears on my face and said, "Deserves you right bitch.", and left for work.

About 15 minutes later I looked at the clock and it read 8:25 am. I cursed under my breath because I'm late for work. 8:15 is when the "Kim's Café" opens and it takes me 10 minutes to get there. I got up but immediately sat back down, my whole body was like it was on fire. Carefully I got up, trying my best to ignore the pain, and limped towards the living room.

I looked at myself in the mirror and cringed at how I looked. My face was red and my eyes were puffy. I sorted myself and grabbed some painkillers, got my iPod, and quickly went out of the house before my so-nice mom wakes up. (Note the sarcasm)

I put in my headphones and played "You Never Know" by Blackpink. About 10 minutes later I arrived to work. I pushed open the door and the bell rang signaling that someone has walked in. Not even two steps in and I was immediately tackled by a hug. I hissed in pain and ChungHa let me go.

ChungHa is the owner of the coffee shop. She treats me as if I was her own, I tell her everything including the beating a experience at home. ChungHa can't have kids, but I support her completely along with her loving husband Soojin. He doesn't care if he has no kids, as long as he has ChungHa besides him. He also treats me as if I was his biological daughter.

ChungHa: "Oh I'm so sorry, I just got worried about you and-...",

Before she could finish her sentence, she noticed the bruises on my face. She gasped.

ChungHa: "Oh my..",

She gently put her hand on my face and I saw the tears in her eyes about to fall. I grabbed her hands gently and walked towards the kitchen.

Once we reached there, she let her tears fall. I hugged her and whispered,

Me: "ChungHa please don't kills me. It's ok all he did was...slap me and kick me. It's ok, please don't cry."

After a few minutes of hugging her, she stopped crying and I pulled away.

ChungHa: "I don't want to see you hurt. Promise me Y/n if they do it again, you will call the police, promise me."

I can't call the police because my parents will find out. And then I'll really be fucked. So I lied and told her,

Me: "I promise, now let's go sell some food!"

I said jumping around, ignoring the pain in my stomach. ChungHa just laughed at my childish behavior.

Anyways, I started working but before I did that I made sure to cover my bruises with some foundation. I really don't want people to notice me and give me sympathetic looks.

ChungHa called out: "Y/n dear could you go to table 4 and ask what they would like to have please?"

"Yes ma'am", I yelled right back making a saluting pose just like a soldier. Which made us laugh.

I walked up to the table and there was a family. They had a daughter who looked about 6 and 3 sons who looked about 12, 18, and 20 years old. They were all laughing at something the little girl did. I just smiled and wished I had a family like that.

I cleared my throat to get their attention.

Me: "Hello, my name is Y/n and I'll be your waiter today. What would you like to eat?"

I said while smiling. All of a sudden the little girl got off her seat and came running to me and hugged my leg.

Little girl: "Yowe pwetty",

She said to me. I couldn't help but laugh. I picked her up and placed her on my hip.

Me: "Thank you beautiful.". She giggled. "And what's your name?", I asked.

Little girl: "NaHaeun"

Me: "Hello Nahaeun your such an adorable little thing aren't ya?"

We both giggled. Her parents looked at their daughter shocked at my reaction.

Nahaeun's mom: "Oh my..I'm so sorry she..."

I stopped her from finishing her sentence by putting my hand on her shoulder reassuring her that it's ok.

NaHaeun's dad: "It's just that whenever we go to cafes or restaurants Nahaeun likes to hug random people, especially the waiters. But, they ignore her and push her away...but what you did...was the exact opposite."

My smile turned into a frown, I turned to the little girl and kissed her cheek.

Me: "I would never do that to a child. I just love them too much."

NaHaeun's family just smiled at me. I gave NaHaeun to her dad but she wouldn't let go. I laughed and whispered in her ear.

Me: "Would you like a strawberry milkshake??"

NaHaeun: "YESSS PWESE!", she screamed.

I smiled and handed her back to her dad. I got their orders and I got them free milkshakes. They were about to pay but I convinced them that it was ok. After that, I git back to work.

I apologize for any miss-spelling or any wrong grammar. If you could, please comment if I did do so.

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