Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of shouting. I looked around and saw the side of my door window open. Felix, Jisung, Hyunjin, and Chan stood there watching me. Once Felix saw I was awake he opened the door and put me on his lap.

Felix: "Why did you wake up love?"

I didn't bother answering him because I was so tired. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I yawned and made myself comfortable on his lap. I woke up as I felt the car come to a stop. I opened my eyes and turned my head to Felix who was actually staring at me. I blushed and looked down at my lap. He lifted my chin up.

Felix: "Don't look down, I love it when you blush love."

I blushed even more if that's even possible. Felix opened the door and carried me towards his house I presume. I looked up and gasped at how beautiful it looked. As Felix was walking inside I asked, 

Felix: "Is this your house?"

He smiled and nodded. Jisung came up to us and asked me. 

Jisung: "Do you like it sis?"

I nodded my head and replied, 

Me: "It's beautiful and very big."

Felix, Jisung, Hyunjin, and Chan chuckled. As we entered my jaw dropped. It was even more beautiful than before. I turned my head to the right and I guess we were in the living room by the looks of it. But what immediately caught my eyes was a vase of red roses on the glass table.

I wiggled trying to get out of his arms. Felix sensed there was something wrong. He quickly put me down.

Felix: "What's wrong love are you hur-.."

He couldn't finish what he was saying as I ran to the table and took the plant off it. I hugged the plant and smelled them. I know, weird right? But don't judge me. I just love roses so much. 

I remember when me and my real mom went to this garden are where you can see old ladies planting seeds of different types of flowers and vegetables. Me and my mom used to help out and we would plant our own flowers. 

We would choose roses because each rose symbolized different things such as a red rose symbolizes love and romance. Yellow roses symbolized joy, friendship, and good health, etc. I was broken from my thoughts by Felix who looked amused and pissed?

What did I do wrong? Chan came up to me. 

Chan: "Why are you hugging a plant?"

Y/n: "It's roses. I love roses and I wanted to touch it."

Chan laughed and shook his head. Felix walked up to me and grabbed the plant out of my hands which made me upset and put it back on the table. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the couch to him.

Felix: "You should never leave my arms again love."

I nodded my head and put my head down afraid to look up because he might hit me like my father used to. I flinched when I felt his hand hold my cheek in a tender way. I looked up confused as to why he didn't hit me. 

Felix: "I will never hit you, baby.", he said to me.

I nodded and looked around and saw the guys watching us. I suddenly felt embarrassed and went closer to Felix to hide from their stares. Felix wrapped his arms around my waist and chuckled. 

Felix: "Come on love, do you wanna see our room?"

Me: "Our?", I asked.

Felix: "Yes love. You will be sleeping with me.", he answered. 

Felix took my hand and walked past everyone up to the stairs. The boys were following behind us laughing at Hyunjin who said something funny. As Felix opened his bedroom door, I looked in his room with amazement. Everything in his room was just so beautiful. All the laughter died down as I can feel their eyes on me.

I walked towards the bed and felt the silky fabric going through my fingers. I pressed my hand on the mattress. I touched the fluffy pillows. I took a step back. I looked down and saw there is a big gap where you can hide 5 people in. I crawled under the bed and felt the carpet. I'd never slept in a proper bed before in my life. Also never got furniture such as carpets, drawers, and chairs, that's why I'm so fascinated by the way Felix's room looks like.

I heard Chan mumble to the members,

Chan: "It looks like she's never seen a room in her life..especially a bed.."

He thought I didn't hear what he said but I did, and he's right.


I was there watching my baby girl touching the fabric of the bedsheets. She kept feeling the mattress and pillows. I could see in her eyes that she was very interested in what she was seeing. At one point I saw her crawl under the bed and I could see her small soft hands feeling the carpet.

"It looks like she's never seen a room in her life..", I heard Chan mumble to us. Jisung spoke up.

Jisung: "Dude, did you see where she sleeps? She slept on a dirty mattress and had a wardrobe in which the walls broke. And to top it all off a shattered window. When me and Felix went in we could feel the coldness and it was not good. A person could get really ill, but I'm surprised she didn't."

Me: "Guys, go to bed now. I'll take it from here, thank you for today."

They nodded and Hyunjin spoke,

Hyunjin: "No problem man, I will head off now. Goodnight."

I nod and reply,

Me: "Goodnight guys."

I close my door and head over to where Y/n is. I kneeled down.

Me: "Love, can you come out of there now please?"

She crawls where I am and smiles.

Y/n: "I've never seen a bed like this. Heck, I've never been to a proper bedroom."

I smiled and picked her up bridal style and placed her on the bed. She gets up and starts jumping. I started to laugh. She looked like a little schoolgirl. Y/n looks at me and says,

Y/n: "What?"

Me: "Nothing baby girl, come on, you need to get some sleep. Tomorrow we're going to the doctor to check on your ribs. I know you're in pain, even though you don't tell me."

Y/n: "But I'm not tired"

Me: "Y/n, you can spend as much time in this room. Come on now, you gotta rest."

Y/n: "Ok fine."

I walked towards my wardrobe and opened it finding a hoodie for my princess.

Y/n: "Felix"

Me: "Hmm baby?"

Y/n: "You're not going anywhere right?"

I face her and say,

Me: "Don't worry love, I ain't going nowhere."

I got one of my black hoodies and walked towards Y/n. She looks up at me and I put up my hands showing her my hoodie.

Me: "Love, here, wear my hoodie. You'll be comfortable in this."

She whispered a "Thank you" and went to the bathroom. A few minutes later she returned and she looked sexy as ever. Her beautiful legs, I wondered what I could do with those. I was cut short from a throat being cleared and I looked up and saw Y/n blushing. I took off my jacket and t-shirt revealing my 6 pack and tattoos. I took off my jeans and wore some comfy shorts. I walked up to Y/n and picked her up and placed her gently on the bed. I got the covers over us and pulled Y/n towards me. I put her head on my chest and my legs over hers. I put my arms protectively around her making sure she is secure in my hold. I kissed her cheek, forehead, and nose whispering,

Me: "Goodnight my love."

And let sleep take over me. 


Thank you for reading!💜

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