Chapter 18

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I closed the door and turned around to face Sam.

Me: "Make sure she gets home safely and do not take her out of the car, I'll do that myself."

He nodded his head and ran to the driver's side to start the engine. A few seconds later and he drove off. I turned back around and saw my gang watching me silently, the prisoners on their knees. Some of them decided to join our gang and the rest chose to die. I nodded my head to give my members permission to shoot.

They smirked and I walked back inside, up the stairs. I heard gunshots but I ignored them and walked into the room. I saw the motherfucker being punched by Jisung while Hyunjin and Chan were holding him back. Chan looked like a killing machine right now.

Me: "Chan..", I put my hand on his shoulders to calm him down.

Me: "Leave this bastard to me."

He nodded his head and stomped out the door. Hyunjin and Jisung stayed with me, fists clenched in anger. Jackson kept screaming in agony. I crouched in front of him and roughly grabbed him by his collar.

Me: "What were you about to do to my girl?"

Jackson: "She's not your-"

I punched him in the stomach before he could finish his sentence.

Me: "I shall repeat the question. What were you about to do to my girl?"

He spit out blood and coughed out,

Jackson: "I was going to make love to her. She's mine, not yours. I was about to make her mine completely and my princess will be carrying my children."

I couldn't hear any more. She was mine, no one else's but mine. I pulled out my gun and shot him in the leg. He cried out in pain. Oh, but I wasn't done yet. I'm gonna make sure he dies a slow, painful death. I kicked and punched him in every part of his body. Suddenly, I was pulled back by Jisung and Hyunjin. I shouted at them. Jisung came in front of me.

Jisung: "Man, calm down. Think about Y/n, what would she say huh?"

I growled.

Felix: "That fuckin bastard would've raped her if it wasn't for me entering the room on time."

Hyunjin spoke up behind me,

Hyunjin: "Felix, Y/n needs you. We'll take care of him and I'm gonna make sure his heart is ripped out for hurting her."

I roared and they both took a step back.

Me: "I'M GOING TO DO IT MYSELF! NO MERCY!!....Hyunjin, pass me the knife."

He nodded his head and took the knife he had out of his pocket and handed it to me. I smirked at the bastard laying in front of me.

Me: "Hope you have a nice life in hell."

I stabbed him in the heart, his breath came out short and his eyes slowly rolled behind his head. After a minute or two, he laid there, dead. I removed the knife and stood up.

Me: "Hyunjin, send someone to clean this mess."

He obeyed my command and did what he was told. Me and Jisung headed out. I wanted to go home to my princess and hold her in my arms. I got outside and the guards bowed their heads in respect. One of them led me to the car. He opened the door for me and shut it.

I drove away, ignoring the red lights (😏). Once I reached the house I pulled into the driveway. I jumped out of the car and saw Sam and Chan talking. I ran to them and saw their worried facial expressions.

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