Chapter 1.

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── ・ 。゚☆: *

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── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

     Alora's had always lived a simple and boring life on jakku. Everyday was the same, wake up scavenge off old imperial star destroyers that lay in the desolate desert, sell whatever she found in the market place, buy rations, and do it all again the next day. Nothing ever changed. But she didn't mind it, it was the only life she knew. She couldn't at all recall her life before jakku. Everytime she tried it just ended with her passing out from a massive head ache so she stopped trying all together.

She learned to be content with the consistent never changing dullness. That is until today when she could hear the slight cry of a BB-unit calling out for help a little ways away from her hut.

She quickly grabbed a blaster she had found scavenging months ago and ran towards the sound of the little droid being attacked by a lone raider on a bantha.

"Hey!" She shouted as she ran up and threatened the raider with her blaster. The shock of the girls threat caused him to fall off his bantha s she continued to yell at him "leave him alone" she began cutting the net the little droid was caught in "go on! Get!" The raider shouted some profanities under his breathe as he hopped back up on his bantha, leaving the two alone "Sorry about that, that's just teedo, he probably wants you for parts"

The droid rolled around the girl as if it was eyeing her. "What's your name?" She asked as he finally stopped in front of her and made a series of chirping noises responding


"well BB-8 where do you come from"

*it's classified, I'm a big deal and all*

"Classified really? Me too. Big secret." She said sarcastically. She stood up and smiled at the droids slight attitude "well big deal Nima outpost is that way but stay off kelvin ridge, you'll sink in the sand"

*you're not gonna help me? I need to find my friend*

"What? No I have very important things to do"

If a droid could give puppy dog eyes then BB-8 would definitely be looking at Alora with them. He rolled up next to her leg looking straight up at her.

Something in Alora told her sh needed to do this. Maybe it was her guilty conscience or a gut instinct but she eventually gave in rolling her eyes "Fine! But only to get you to the outpost"

She lead the droid into the market noticing its little head perk up every time a man with dark hair would walk by. But every time his little head would swivel and look away from them with a disappointed look.

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