Chapter 4.

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── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

         "I see you're back in the mess" maz laughed at han, taking in the subtle changes time had etched - the deepened wrinkles on his forehead, the threads of grey that now flecked his hair,

"Maz I need you to get them and this droid to leia" Han asked desperately skipping right to the point.

Maz's gaze roamed over Han, her expression a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Mmm, no..." she murmured, a sly smile spreading across her face. "You've been running from this fight for far too long, Han...go home"

Han's eyes dropped, his voice laced with despair. "Leia doesn't want to see me,' he muttered, his head hung low in defeat"

"Please we came here for your help" Poe pleaded, his tone was desperate yet urgent. He knew he needed to get the map to general organa fast and before the order figured out where they are

"What fight?" Sage asked interrupting Poe

"The only fight...against the dark side. Through the ages I've seen evil take many forms. The sith, the empire, today it is the first order. Their shadow is spreading across the galaxy. We must face them. Fight them, all of us." She said directing the last part to han who just looked away avoiding her gaze.

"There is no fight against the first order" Finn spoke up "not one we can win.... Look around, there's no chance we haven't been recognized already, I bet you the first order is on their way right-"Finn stoped as maz adjusted her googles and climbed over the table to see Finn better

"If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people.... I'm looking into the eyes of a man who wants to run"

"You don't know a thing about me" Finn said darkly leaning forward in his chair "where I'm from... what I've don't know the first order like I do. They'll slaughter us. We all need to run"

"You see those two, they'll take you to the outer rim their you can disappear" "Maz gestured subtly towards a corner table, where two shady individuals sat.

"Finn, wait!" Poe and Alora cried out in tandem. 

"What about BB-8? Where not done yet" alora pleaded "we have to get him back to your base"

Poe wisely kept silent, aware of Finn's past identity. He knew that Finn struggled with the shame of his past actions and the life he once knew, so he chose to respect his friend's privacy, refraining from mentioning it.

Finn looked at Poe and then back to alora  "I can't" he said, his voice firm, before turning to approach the two men. Alora turned to Poe, seeking backup, but was met with a noncommittal shrug. Frustrated, she rolled her eyes and with a huff, she sprang up from her seat taking took off after Finn.

Poe, however, remained seated, aware that Finn's secrets were not his to share. He knew that Finn needed to reveal his truth in his own time, and Poe didn't want to overstep.

"Finn what are you doing?" Alora grabbed Finn's arm stopping him from walking any further. "you can't just go, I won't let you"

Finn looked around the room, before grabbing her arm and pulling her away and down a quite hallway "look, I'm not who you think I am"

"what are you talking about?"

"I'm not resistance, I'm not a hero, I'm not like Poe. I... I was a stormtrooper."  Finn's expression fell, as Alora gazed at him with a perplexed and questioning look in her eyes. "Like all of them I was taken from a family I'll never know. And raised to do one thing... but in my first battle, I made a choice, I wasn't gonna kill for them. So I ran.... Right into you and looked at me like no one ever had, like I was more than just a killer, I'm ashamed of what I was... but I'm done with the first order, I'm never going back"

Finn's eyes welled up with tears as Alora's hand gently made contact with his cheek. "Don't go"

"please... be safe" Finn whispered, his voice heavy with emotion. He took Alora's hand, his fingers wrapping around hers in a gentle squeeze, before turning and walking away, leaving her standing alone, her heart broken and her eyes brimming with tears. In the span of a single day, she had found and lost her first friend.

Alora's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a faint cry for help echoing down the hallway, a young girl's desperate plea piercing the air. She turned to follow the sound, wondering what a child was doing in this place. The cries grew louder, guiding her towards a staircase that spiralled downward, leading her deeper into floor below.

The girl's voice seemed to call out for her father, Alora thought that maybe the child was lost. But as she reached the bottom of the stairs, there was no child, just a small, cluttered room filled with assorted boxes and containers. her attention was immediately and inexplicably drawn to a small, unassuming trunk in the center of the room. As she approached it, she felt an inexplicable pull, and upon opening it, she found what appeared to be a lightsaber inside. But just as she reached for it, the weapon vanished, and the room around her began to dissolve, fading into nothingness.

as she sprang to her feet, she found herself suddenly on a First Order Star destroyer, swarming with stormtroopers that were closing in on her from all sides. Panic set in as she sprinted down the ship's corridor, desperate to escape the impending danger. She burst through a door and leapt into the unknown. When she landed with a thud she found her self on a soft, sandy surface. As she gazed upwards confused, her breath caught in her throat. In the distance, a magnificent temple was engulfed in flames, and she could hear cries of distress echoing through the air. But what caught her attention the most was the figure before her - a hooded man, overcome with grief, kneeling beside a faithful R2 unit, his body racked with sobs."

Alora rose to her feet, intent on comforting the distraught figure, and reached out to place a gentle hand on his shoulder. But before she could offer any solace, a masked figure emerged, wielding a fiery red lightsaber, pulling her away with an unyielding force. Despite her struggles to break free and return to the weeping man, she was dragged further and further away, her efforts futile. Finally, she turned to confront her captor, but her legs buckled beneath her as she beheld a face from her darkest memories - the same man who had haunted her nightmares for the last decade, now standing before her.

The moment she hit the ground, the scenery around her shifted dramatically - the sand beneath her turned to snow, and the dark forest seemed to materialize out of thin air. The masked man loomed over her, his lightsaber raised below her her chin, compelling her to rise. As she struggled to get back on her feet, he raised his arm, his hand threatening to encircle her throat. She tried to back away, but her foot got caught on a rock, sending her stumbling backwards. She fell, but instead of landing in the snow, she found herself back in the dimly lit room where the nightmare had started, her body crashing against the cold hard floor.


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