Chapter 3.

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          ── ・ 。゚☆: *

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── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

       The hum of the Millennium Falcon's engine was the only sound, engulfing them in a soft rumble, as Han stood still pondering alora's identity. "So you're...uh fugitives, huh?" Han addressed his question mainly to Alora. His focus zeroed in on her, his eyes shifted over her in a desperate attempt to find answers.

"Well sorta, The first order wants the map inside BB-8" She glanced over at the spherical droid before returning her gaze to Han. "Poe and Finn are with the resistance"

"And you.."

"Oh I'm just a scavenger" she said without missing a beat. Han's eyes, probing and paternal, never strayed from hers.

"Alright then, let's see what you've got" BB-8 looked to Poe for approval. When given the nod, the droid moved fluidly to the center of the Falcon's main hanger projecting the map. It materialized in a holographic representation that spread across the room, filling the space with otherworldly projections of distant planets, swirling nebulae, that shined with an ethereal glow.

They all leaned in, studying the celestial map, while Han took a step back. "This maps not complete it's just a piece" he shook his head shifting his gaze away from the map, to Alora "ever sense Luke disappeared people everywhere have been looking for him"

"Why did he leave?" she asked, her eyes fixed intently on the map. Han cocked his head and narrowed his eyes, as if trying to see her from a new perspective. He desperately hoped his suspicions about her were wrong. If he was right, it would mean that everything his family had endured for the past seven years had been in vain.

"Where are you from again?"


"Nobody's from Jakku" Han said, his eyes rolling in exasperation. "I mean, where are you from originally? Where's your family from?"

"I don't earliest memory is fleeing from the first order when I was 15 and crash landing on jakku.... I don't really have any family at least nun that I can remember. It's as if my life began on that deserted planet"

"Your memories just stop at 15?" Poe asked, his brow furrowed in disbelief. "Nothing before that? No childhood, no family, no home?"

"remember nothing before the moment I woke up in a cell on a First Order star destroyer...there was a man. A man with a dark mask, he kept asking me questions, but I couldn't hear much past the ringing in my ears. I remember feeling like my brain was pounding against my skull." Alora's hand instinctively rose to her head, reliving the agony "I think the man thought I was dead, because he started to unleashed his fury, slashing his lightsaber against the walls in anger..." her gaze drifts away now lost in the memory "....the anger, thats what I remember the most. the hatred and the darkness this man had it was....." she froze, he eyes glazing over as she revisited the moment, the man's emotions still resonating within her like a lingering echo.

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