Chapter 5.

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          ── ・ 。゚☆: *

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          ── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

          Alora slowly raised her gaze from the ground, her entire body trembling with fear. As she sat up and slowly turned her head, she saw max standing there in stunned silence.

"What was that?" Alora's voice trembled as she struggled to her feet. "I shouldn't have gone in there" her words barley above a whisper as she took deep breathes in order to calm herself down "I-I shouldn't have come, I need to get home"

"That lightsaber was Luke's, and his father before him and calls to you" maz said, her eyes fixed intently on Alora, as if trying to process the significance of it all.

"No..." she shook her head in disbelief "no! I have to get back to jakku"

Maz's expression turned gentle as she removed her goggles and took Alora's hand, guiding her to kneel to her level. "Han told me" she said, her voice soft with empathy. "dear child...I see your eyes, you already know the truth, whoever your waiting for on jakku....They aren't looking for you" Alora's gaze fell, tears streaming down her face in silence. "but... there's someone who still could"

"Luke" Alora whispered impulsively not really knowing why

"The belonging you seek is not behind you, it is ahead. I am no Jedi, but I know the force... it moves through and surrounds every living thing" maz began to closed her eyes "close your eyes and feel it. The light it's always been there, let it guide you on your path." Maz suddenly opened her eyes "the saber, take it!"

Alora sprang up, her eyes wide with alarm. " are you kidding me?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with trepidation. "I'm never going near that thing again. I want no part in this!" Without another word, she turned and fled, her feet carrying her swiftly out of the room, through the building, and into the surrounding woods. She needed space to process the revelations that had just shaken her world. Who was the mysterious man she had seen? Why was the lightsaber beckoning to her? A swarm of questions buzzed through her mind, demanding answers she couldn't yet provide.

Alora ran until she could run no more. Finally, reaching a towering tree, she leaned against its trunk, gasping for breath. The rough bark provided a solid anchor as she stood there, her chest heaving, her heart still racing from the vision that had driven her to flee in the first place.

*hello* Alora turned around quickly to see BB-8 rolling there behind her

"what are you doing here?"

*finding you of course*

"You have to go back" she said as she pulled herself up, starting to walk away from the droid. But instead of being left behind, the loyal droid fell in step behind her.

*what about you?*

"I'm leaving"

*then I'm going with you*

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