Chapter 6.

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          ── ・ 。゚☆: *

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── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

"GENERAL" Poe yelled out to leia, cutting in front of Han before he could get another word out "we need to talk"

Leia spun around, her gaze following in the direction of Poe's urgent voice, but her eyes landed on Finn, who was standing behind the man. "Who is this?" she asked, as she gestured towards Finn with a slight nod of her head.

"This is Finn he's the one that helped me get off that ship and complete the mission"

"Well that was incredibly brave of you, renouncing the first order and saving Poe's life" she said giving him a grateful smile.

"Yeah yeah yeah that's great and all but a friend of ours was taken prisoner and we need to get to her now" Poe interjected, his voice urgent and intense.

"Leia..." Han's voice was barely audible, his words lost in the air, unheard by anyone.

"As much as I love seeing poe take an interest in anything other than himself...." She said turning to Finn with a smile, then returned her gaze to Poe, her lips still curved upwards in a sarcastic expression. "But right now I'm focused on figuring out what kind of weapon was used to destroy the hosian system, I'm sorry"

Han once again called out her name but was ignored once more.

"An entire system was destroyed?" Poe questioned furrowing his eyebrows in disbelief "that's impossible"

"No...." fin spoke up "no it's not, I worked on it, the base.....they call it star killer base, and it does just that" Finn's tone was ominous, his eyes flashing with fear, as if he beheld some terrible vision. "Like the Death Star only ten times bigger and more powerful"

"Finn we're desperate for any information you can tell us-" Leia's voice held a hint of desperation, a rare edge of anxiety that betrayed her usual calm and authoritative demeanor. "please"

Finn disregarded the general's plea and turned to Poe with a terrified expression. "that's where he took Alora.... We need to get there fast"

"And I will do everything i can..." Leia began, but slightly hesitated "but..." her expression suddenly confused and slightly concerned "w-wait what did you say her name was?"

"Alora, and she needs our help Leia" his eyes pleading for understanding. He couldn't rationalize why this girl had so quickly become vital to him, but she had. In a short time, she'd made a profound impact. "she's smart, resourceful, and she's one hell of a pilot Leia, i..." he started to say but caught himself, amending his words "we need her"

The mention of the name evoked a painful reaction from Leia, who winced as if the sound of it stung. Her eyes welled up with tears, and she swiftly turned to face Han. He met her gaze with a somber, all knowing expression, his eyes filled with a deep sadness that mirrored her own. "She sounds like a survivor......"

"I'll tell you everything I know but please, promise me you'll try and save our friend" Finn said desperately.

"Would you boys excuse us" Leia said not taking her eyes off Han.

"Leia I'll go alone if I have too" Poe said determined, causing Leia to shift her attention back to Poe.

"Poe, we need to strategize-" Leia attempted to intervene, trying to inject a sense of rationality into the situation, but Poe was too far gone, his momentum unstoppable.

"I wasn't asking for permission general"

"Poe, I realize this girl means something to you... trust me I know." She slightly scolded him like a child "but right now I need you and your friend to get on that ship and follow my orders so that I can figure this out"

Without a word, Poe spun on his heel and stormed onto the ship, with Finn following close behind.
He was huffing and puffing along the way like a child who'd just been to told to go to his room.

Leia let out an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes in frustration before turning back to Han, who had been watching her with an unwavering gaze, his eyes fixed intently on hers, never once looking away.

"Don't do that" 

"Do what?"

"Give me hope"

"It's her Leia" he took a step forward reaching his hand out to take hers. but she swiftly spun around, avoiding his touch, her body language a clear indication that she was not ready to accept it. "She's alive and she's with our son"

"No..." she shook her head tears brimming her eyes "Han you were there when we uncovered the first order files that say otherwise" Han moved in another step closer, but she whirled around, her face flashing with anger, and bit out a sharp retort: "You're wrong!" - the words snapping like a challenge, her tone a clear warning to back off.

"Would you just listen to me, hear me out what if I'm right?"

"HA, when have you ever been right about anything? and don't say the Death Star" she scoffed and started walking away from him.

"Hey" he grabbed her arm turning her around "listen to me will you, I know you don't want to believe it..." Han caught himself, his emotions welling up, "but you can't just forget about this.... I know that every time you think of her your reminded of him. But you gotta hear me out"

"You think I want to forget him? You think I wanna forget either one of them?" A tear rolled down her cheek as she cut him off "I want more than anything to get both of them back, but i can't let myself believe she's alive and have my heart broken all over again"

"Leia we might have lost our son forever....but with Alora we have a second chance to make it right"

Leia's gaze narrowed, her eyes fixed intently on Han, as she seemed to contemplate her next words "you really think it's her?"

"Trust me I know a Skywalker when I see one... I've been around them long enough to recognize the signs" he said with a sly wink and a hint of a smile. "One being there stubbornness and always having to be right"

With an exasperated eye roll, she playfully shoved him aside, taking the lead as she guided them both onto the ship that was bound for the resistance base. "well then let's go get our niece"


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