Mister Duff (Jacklyn)

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In my life I had tried several jobs. My first job was in a restaurant, the second in a bar, the third in a nightclub and all that followed were other very similar jobs in other London pubs. But this, this was a whole other thing. This was not just a job, this was much more.

"The boy is good," Ryan Beaumont said, referring to me with a smile that was nothing but sexy.

"Don't try to steal him, Beaumont, from me," Mr. Jack Duff said in a voice too sexy to even be legal. Everything about this man was fucking sexy and many times, too many times maybe, I wondered how he could be so sexy when in reality he was doing absolutely nothing.

"I already have my man, Duff, I thought you knew by now ..." he said with a smile that was now much more innocent, the light in his eyes was full of the love he felt for his husband.

"Can I bring you something else?" I asked after placing on the table, to the left of each of them, a glass of shiny glass with peach vodka inside.

"Bring me another pack of cigarettes," Mr. Harper Dark said, crushing the empty cigarette pack with one hand.

"Sure, Mr.-"

"No!" Mr. Duff stopped me, placing a hand on my arm. My heart immediately started beating madly, it had to slow down as soon as possible or it would quickly explode out of my chest. "Just ask him gently" my eyes lingered on him for a few seconds, a few seconds which, however, was enough to trigger something in me. The features of his face usually, when he was with me, were sweet, but now they were anything but sweet. Now they were hard, tense, I could feel negative vibes passing from him to me.

"He's your slave, isn't he? How should I talk to him..." His hands clenched in a fist and I was already imagining the red signs in the shape of lunettes on his palms.

"He is not a slave!"

"Okay, okay, but stay calm"

"Get out of my house," he said in a much calmer tone of voice, but still inherent in anger.

"Sorry what?"

"I said get out of my house"

"Okay, Duff... if that's what you want"

"I don't wanna see you ever again" he drank his vodka all in one gulp, knocking it down as if he were drinking water.

"Not the right choice," he said with a smirk "not eh right choice at all, Jack Duff"

"Are you really so sure? Because it seems to me that you need me, not the other way around" with this, Harper Dark is gone, leaving behind an intense trail of tobacco and alcohol.

"It was just a matter of time," Andrew Fowler said, taking a sip of his vodka soon after.

"You should have done it a lot sooner," Ryan Robertson added.

"Brook, can you give the cards please?"

"Of course Mr. Duff" in response he sent me a smile, a beautiful smile, letting his eyes linger on mine for a few seconds. That look sent something inside me, a jolt or maybe some kind of thrill, but whatever it was it was enough to touch something deep inside me that no one had ever touched.

"He's a nice guy" I heard Andrew Fowler's voice say, but I didn't say anything because I wasn't allowed to speak unless I was asked a specific question or asked to speak.

"Honey, you offend me"

"You're always the same" I turned to their table, my eyes landed on the two of them, a kiss was exchanged between their lips.


"Yes, sorry" I started handing out the poker cards to each player. I could feel my cheeks on fire and it only got worse when Ryan Beaumont smiled at me, trying to make me understand that everything was fine, that it wasn't a problem that I had just looked, for more than I should, at him and his husband kissing.

ℝ𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕐 & 𝕁𝔸ℂ𝕂𝕃𝕐ℕ 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊🏳️🌈Where stories live. Discover now