Martina pt.2 (Randy)

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I loved my job, we both loved our job, but there was someone, or rather something, to whom all our love went.

"Do you remember the first time we slept in this bed?"

"I remember that the first thing we did was make love"

"Okay" I laughed "but do you remember when we slept instead?"

"How could I forget it... you were wearing my black T-shirt with Ryan written on the back"

"And you the white T-shirt that says Andy"

“They're such sweet gifts,” he giggled, holding me even closer to him and filling my face with kisses, lots of little kisses. He loved kissing my face and this was something I understood right away.

"But beautiful" I said laughing, his lips on my skin almost tickled me and he knew it perfectly, which was also why it was something he loved.

As soon as he let me go, we fell into total silence, both immersed in that silence that was not like the others, because it was pleasant, it was calm, it was our silence.

Sometimes I stopped to think and I still found it impressive that at the age of nineteen we were able to go to live alone. Our families had helped us, but we too had done a lot of work and it showed. Our house was not very big, it had three rooms, one of which was empty. The second room that wasn't new was our little girl's room. Our adoption request had finally been accepted and it was only a matter of days or even hours before Martina finally entered our lives. We had bought the crib, the stroller, onesies, bottles, diapers, creams, perfumed oils, bubble baths, games and much more. The crib was in our room and my God it was beautiful. I had never looked at our room the way I did now. The crib not far from the bed was perfectly tidy, a peach-colored blanket and a small cat-shaped puppet.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?"

"You always tell me"

"I always tell you that I love you, but not how much I love you." His tone of voice was serious and his eyes were… they were full of love. For a moment I was lost in the vast brown that dominated his eyes, doing nothing to return to the surface. His eyes were light brown, the most common eye color in the world - the percentages in fact estimated 70-79% of people with brown eyes - but his eyes were special, unique, they had absolutely nothing in common with the others. I would have challenged anyone to find eyes as beautiful as his.

"I don't think there are words to describe how much you love me, just as there aren't any to express my love for you"

"You're right," he said, smiling and not taking her eyes off mine. "Just know that you are the love of my life"

"You too. You too are the love of my life "

But the beautiful magical moment, full of love and cuddles, couldn’t last for a long time. The doorbell ruined the atmosphere and we both already knew who was ringing without even checking. The postman, always him and always at the same time.

"It’s the social worker" if the room had been quiet enough then I definitely could have heard his heartbeat beating at the same speed as mine.

He took the envelope in his hands, showing it to me too because he just couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Open it!"

He opened the envelope, but he didn't read the contents right away, he was afraid, we were afraid. Whatever was written in it would determine our future, things would change, for better or for worse. Everything depended on this letter.

"According to the article... Mr. Beaumont and Mr. Fowler, we inform you that your request for adoption for Martina Brown, on ... was not accepted" and here is where the world has collapsed on us. For the umpteenth time they had decided that no, we could not become parents. Becoming parents was all we wanted, ever since we were kids we dreamed of what it would be like to have a house full of our own children and we were doing everything to have a family that went beyond having a dog. We were ready, we had everything the little one would need, we were looking forward to being her dads and we were already looking forward to the future when she would call us with the beautiful name of "dad". We had our hearts full of love, love that she would receive in enormous quantities. We were ready to be the best dad this little girl could have. Yet now everyone seemed to think that we weren't meant to be parents, our requests were declined, for some reason we weren't considered to be good parents and this hurt, it hurt terribly and as doctors we knew there was no medicine able to cure such pain.

ℝ𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕐 & 𝕁𝔸ℂ𝕂𝕃𝕐ℕ 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊🏳️🌈Where stories live. Discover now