Year 1 Part 5 (chapter 5)

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Word count: 1.4k
Warning: Mentions of death

It's the season that everybody loves and Severus hates - Christmas.

To be fair, he doesn't entirely hate it - most of the students will be going home to their families, which means he won't be bothered by any dunderheads.

Unless, of course, those dunderheads are Potter and Weasley...

He hopes that they aren't going to stay. For the love of Merlin, they could celebrate Christmas together in the Forbidden Forest for all he cares for... He just REALLY doesn't want those two idiotic boys to stay in the castle this Christmas.

It's the last dinner before the students will go home to celebrate Christmas. As Severus is tucking into his meal, he overhears Minerva's conversation with Pomona Sprout.

"I'm so happy to see Ms. Y/L/N sitting among her fellow Slytherins. She seems to be eating a bit more now that she isn't so focused on reading at the table" the Transfiguration teacher says as she smiles at the sight.

Severus decides to look at the Slytherin table - Y/L/N is indeed sitting next to the others. She's sitting between Draco and Parkinson.

"It really is. She doesn't need to be constantly reading anyway, that girl is quite smart. She seems to have a huge interest in Herbology, which makes me very pleased" the Head of Hufflepuff says in a cheery tone.

Severus has indeed noticed that the girl reads the Herbology book as well as the Potions book religiously. He wonders how she's doing in the other subjects.

His question is almost immediately answered. "Yes, I have noticed that she often reads her Herbology and Potions books. She seems to be doing an absolutely fantastic job in all of her subjects. Filius is always praising her hard work" Minerva reveals.

Severus quietly hums to himself. Y/N Y/L/N does seem to be one of the smartest and kindest students. He's very satisfied to have her in Slytherin.

It's students like her who make his job bearable. And frankly, there aren't that many students like her.

He almost wants to say that there is no student like her.

The next day, almost all of the students have left the castle. Severus takes a peek at the list of students who are staying.

He growls when he reads two names that he REALLY hoped wouldn't be there - Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley.

Sighing, he checks if any of his Slytherins will stay. Usually, all of them decide to go home to their families.

He's quite surprised to read one single name - Y/N Y/L/N.

Severus raises an eyebrow at that. Why isn't she going home to her family?

Wondering about this, he decides to walk towards the library. If she's there, he has an opportunity to talk to the girl and finally solve the mystery of where in Merlin's name he has heard that last name before.

He chuckles to himself when he sees that his assumptions are correct. Y/L/N is indeed in the library, reading her Potions book while taking notes.

He slowly walks towards her table. "Hello" he greets in his velvety voice.

A bit startled, Y/L/N looks up from her book to see who's talking to her. When she sees who it is, she gives a shy smile.

"Hello, professor" she politely says.

"I would like to talk to you, if you don't mind" he finally says.

Nodding, she rises from her seat and gathers her belongings before following her Head of House to the dungeons. They enter the Potions classroom.

Friendship with the Potions Master (Severus Snape x Slytherin student! reader)Where stories live. Discover now