Year 6 Part 5 (chapter 33)

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Author's note:
Severus' birthday is included in the start! 🥳 Also, Severus might tell Y/N a secret or two! I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 2.2k
Warning: Blood, fight, poison and mentions of bullying

Today is another day of teaching dunderheads - it's also Severus' birthday.

He sighs at that. He never thinks much of his birthday, but when he has to teach that very day... He's reminded of it and feels miserable. To be teaching on one's birthday... Great.

He strolls inside the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, ignoring all the students.

He turns around, finally facing his sixth-years.

"Today you will be doing nonverbal spells. You will divide into pairs. One of you will attempt to jinx the other while they try to block that spell. You will both be doing this nonverbally - meaning you will not speak" he explains, talking very slowly so they understand it. Well, hopefully.

"What are you all waiting for? Begin!" he growls.

All the students immediately divide into pairs. Potter has obviously paired with Weasley while Granger has paired with Longbottom. Y/N has paired with Draco.

Severus sits down on his chair, observing them. Of course, most of them fail - nothing happens.

Y/N and Draco are the only ones where both attempt and succeed the task.

"Very good, Ms. Y/L/N and Mr. Malfoy. Ten points to Slytherin" he announces.

Once class is finally done, Y/N stays behind. She smiles at her Head of House. "Happy birthday, Severus" she shyly says.

"Thank you, Y/N-" he says just as an owl enters the classroom. It's Y/N's.

"Oh, thank you, Y/O/N!" the girl says as she grabs something - a present. The owl hoots happily while Y/N gently pets it.

She then faces her professor. "You didn't think I forgot your present, did you?" she asks as she giggles before handing him the present.

Severus chuckles. "Well, you didn't have to" he says as he opens it. It's a new cauldron filled with potion ingredients.

"You always seem to be in need of potion ingredients, so I thought this would be the perfect present" she explains, shyly smiling at him.

Severus nods, inspecting all the ingredients. He did indeed need all of these. He might not be the current Potions Master, but he still does brew a lot.

"This is indeed the perfect present. Thank you, Y/N" he says, looking at the cauldron. It's a really good quality.

The brown owl flies onto his desk, nuzzling his arm. Severus raises an eyebrow while Y/N giggles.

"I think that's his way of saying happy birthday to you" she says, trying to stop giggling.

Not knowing what to do, Severus clears his throat. "Well, thank you..." he mutters, hoping the owl will stop nuzzling him.

It does - after a minute or so. It flies onto Y/N's shoulder, nuzzling her cheek. Smiling, Y/N pets it.

She then remembers something.

"Oh, right! Now that we are talking about potions, your instructions helped me a lot! However, Potter seems to know about the method as he used it as well. Slughorn was offering a vial of Felix Felicis to the person who brewed the best potion. As Potter and mine were similar, I told him that he could have it. He seemed like he really wanted it, and I had nothing to use it for anyway" she says, shrugging.

Friendship with the Potions Master (Severus Snape x Slytherin student! reader)Where stories live. Discover now