Year 3 Part 5 (chapter 15)

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Word count: 1.5k
Warning: Alcohol and mentions of death and execution

It's Christmas - great. Severus sighs. Minerva and Albus convinced him to join the Christmas dinner. He really doesn't want to, he just wants to eat in peace.

However, that's not going to happen - he's doomed to sit in the Great Hall, surrounded by his fellow colleagues and the few students who are staying during the holidays.

As he arrives in the Great Hall, he curses under his breath. He either has to sit next to a student - Longbottom, by the way, or next to Lupin...

Severus then notices there's a seat left next to Y/L/N - she's the only Slytherin student.

To her right is Granger sitting, which means he has to be close to Potter and Weasley... He would rather do that than sitting next to the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher or Longbottom.

He's sure that the boy would run away from fear, anyway.

Sighing once more, he hurries to sit next to Y/L/N.

The girl shyly smiles at him. "Hello, professor. Happy Christmas" she says.

Severus nods. "Happy Christmas, Y/L/N" he replies, quickly taking a sip of his drink.

If it was any other student, he would have ignored them. He won't ignore Y/L/N, of course.

Before the feast is served, the students receive packages as well as letters from their families. Severus notices that Y/L/N's letter is rather short - he can't help but take a peak without her noticing.

"My dearest daughter,

Happy Christmas, Y/N. I'm sorry that I have to work once again. I hope you understand.

I love you so much.

Your father"

Severus huffs. The man sure loves his daughter - he only sent a short letter, no package. That's quite strange for a Pureblood family. Perhaps he was too busy to buy her a present...

He notices that Potter has gotten a package. He raises an eyebrow at that - who in Merlin's name has sent Potter something?

Severus can't believe his own eyes when the boy opens it. It's a broom.

Minerva's wish came true, then. That must be a Christmas miracle for her - the boy can play Quidditch again.

Speaking of the Head of Gryffindor, she looks just as surprised as Severus. He wonders who bought it, then.

Two months later, Severus can't sleep. Like always. He turns around in his bed, but to no avail.

Sighing, he gets up and leaves his private chambers. He's in his teaching robes - there's no need to wear something different if you aren't going to be sleeping anyway, right?

He decides to go for a stroll and see if he can catch any students awake at this time.

To his luck, he does indeed find a student out of bed - it's Potter.

Just as Severus is about to approach, the boy turns off the light from his wand. Nice try, Potter.

Severus quickly strolls towards him, pointing his illuminated wand at the boy.

"Potter! What are you doing wandering in the corridors at night?" he questions, raising an eyebrow as he waits for an explanation.

"I was sleepwalking" Potter quickly says.

Friendship with the Potions Master (Severus Snape x Slytherin student! reader)Where stories live. Discover now