Year 1 Part 3 (chapter 3)

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Word count: 2.2k
Warning: Trolls

Severus does not want to go to the Great Hall. Unfortunately for him, he has to.

He enters a little earlier than usual in hope of a seat next to anyone but... Quirrell.

Of course, the other professors have decided to enter earlier as well. The only seat left is next to the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Scowling, Severus sits next to the man with the purple turban on his head.

"Good m-morning, Severus. L-Lovely day, isn't it?" Quirrell asks.

"If you say so" Severus mutters under his breath as he quickly takes a sip of his water while hoping to ignore the man.

He can't help but notice Y/L/N sitting alone in that same corner of the Slytherin table like she does at every meal.

They have only been at Hogwarts for a week, and he already seems to know her habits - she spends a lot of her time in the library, just like the Granger girl.

Now that he comes to think of it, he doesn't think that he has ever seen her talk to her fellow students before. Only to Granger when they discuss something. Or rather, when Granger rambles on and Y/L/N just nods at what the Gryffindor says.

He's fine with his Slytherins talking with students from other Houses - he just wished that it wasn't a Gryffindor.

And he would prefer if Y/L/N would also talk with her fellow Slytherins. He wonders if she ever says anything to her roommates. The girl seems to be extremely shy.

Severus can't help but listen to his colleagues' conversation when they mention the exact student he's just been wondering about.

"Have you also noticed that Ms. Y/L/N always sits alone during meals?" Minerva asks the Head of Ravenclaw.

"Yes, I have. I have noticed she rarely talks with anyone. She's a very bright student, however. She seems to work quite hard" Filius Flitwick says as he smiles.

Minerva nods. "Indeed she is. I'm just afraid she will have a hard time socially as the months pass by" she says with worry in her voice.

Severus huffs. He can take care of his Slytherins, there's no need for them to worry. He's sure that the girl will engage in social interaction at some point.

Besides, she's clearly focusing on her studies, unlike the Weasley twins who don't seem to care about their school work.

Speaking of those imbeciles, they thought it was a good idea to prank the Potions Master yesterday. Well, they were wrong - they lost Gryffindor twenty points.

Later that day, it's time for Potions class with the first-years. Great. Severus sighs before he dramatically enters the classroom.

"Today you will learn how to brew Cure for Boils. As I said last time, I expect that you have read the instructions as well as the ingredient list. That way, this should be easy for you to brew" he says as he looks at the students.

He then raises an eyebrow. "Well, what are you waiting for? Begin. Brewing" he orders, his voice loud.

Startled, they all rise from their seats to gather the needed ingredients. He notices a Gryffindor boy gathering aconite which is not needed for the potion.

Severus sighs in annoyance. "What is your name?" he demands the boy in an angry tone.

"M-me? N-Neville Longbottom" the boy says as he gulps, looking quite scared.

Severus rolls his eyes - the boy almost stutters as much as Quirrell.

"Well, Mr. Longbottom, did you read the ingredient list? Clearly not. Aconite is NOT needed for this potion. And do mind the plant, the leaves are toxic!" he snaps.

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